That's not Emrys part 3

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A.N.:// See, I told you it'd be back :)


Leon knew that something was off the moment he woke up.
For one, the sun was shining brightly upon his face. The sun wasn't supposed to be up yet.
Not that high anyway.
Which meant, George didn't wake him.
George was never late.
In a panic, Leon jumped from the bed and hurried to dress himself.

He was currently occupying a chamber next to Arthur's actual room. But that wasn't important. If George hadn't woken him, that meant something had happened.
George never overslept.
He was rarely sick and never during an attack on the castle!
Never when he was needed.

Leon grabbed for his sword and almost broke down the door. He had to find him.
Leon had been released from some of his duties during the stay of king Alator, which meant he had less duties. But George and him had decided to help each other, should one of them have to do a little less than the other.
And George's duties had not lessened during the stay of the foreign king.
They had increased, if anything.
Plus, George would never skip the opportunity to annoy Leon.

Naturally, Leon had to assume something had happened.
In a rush, he skipped through the halls, passed confused servants and knights who were obviously unhappy that the honor of impersonating Arthur had fallen to Sir Leon of all people.
In his passing, Leon also noticed that the servants were hurrying around in a frantic too. They didn't look like they knew what they were supposed to be doing.

Which meant,... oh please let him be wrong.

"Till!", Leon finally stopped in the halls, where he found a confused servant cleaning the windows. Why was Till here?

"Sir Le- prince Arthur!", Till startled, surprised to be addressed by a knight.

"Have you seen George?", Leon asked and Till's face twisted in pain.

"No one has seen him today, Sire. He's not in his chambers, not in the kitchens, nowhere. The other servants and I are going mad. First we don't have Merlin to help out and now George is missing too. He usually assigns our jobs in the mornings! He's never been sick.
It's been so chaotic, you can't even imagine!

Actually, that wasn't true. Leon only needed to look around to know what he meant. Why was there a chicken in the hallway?

The cook gave us our orders today, but I'm pretty sure she forgot to assign someone to change the sheets in the guest rooms!
I'm cleaning WINDOWS! They look clean! What am I even doing here?"

Sir Leon sighed and grabbed his own head to calm down.
'Shit.', he thought, but he didn't say it.
If George hadn't been there this morning, then he must have disappeared over night. Which didn't help the situation at all.
"Till, the windows were cleaned yesterday. George assigns the window task once a month and usually Claire does it. I saw her here yesterday."

Till looked up at him in surprise. "You know our schedule?"
Leon pressed his teeth against his bottom lip.
Why again were all servants so innocent and grateful for .... like everything? They were also far too curious for Leon's liking.
"George.... talks. When he cleans my chambers."

Till put the rag he used to clean the windows fall back into the bucket with water.
"George.... talks?", he asked, an eyebrow raised.

Now that - was fair.
Leon's and George's alliance... or perhaps friendship was kept a secret to ensure that no one figured out that they were protecting sorcerer's behind Uther's back in secret.
It helped with alibi's too, if no one suspected them working together.
George may be hanging out with Sir Leon often, but not any more than he did with the servants.
Or did he?

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