DIR(14): Cells

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It took Arthur mere seconds to decide what to do next. Leon was unable to move and it was evident in George's eyes, that the servant had no idea what he had just done. Nor the faintest idea how to undo it.

"Of all people...", Merlin muttered to himself, while Leon groaned on the floor, trying desperately to get up.

"I... I don't know... what did I... what?", George could only stare at his friend. Curious, but also terrified by his own actions, George leaned down, trying to get a good look at Leon. Maybe he wanted to figure out, if Leon was pranking him. But Leon had never been the pranking type. Quite the opposite really. He hated making fun of others. It just wasn't his thing.

Morgana and Gwen, meanwhile, sank to the floor as well. The shock brought them to their knees and drew them into each others arms.
Arthur – always oblivious to other people's love life – and utterly useless detecting and understanding his own – only stared at the sight.
For the first time noticing their clasped hands. Their attachment to each other.
"You -", he began, but seriously, this wasn't the right time. He shook his head and turned to more important things than his sisters love life.

"Sir Leon, you are under arrest for the attempt on the life of the king of Camelot.", he said it without malice. Almost sad.
After everything they had learned over the past couple of days, he couldn't bring himself to blame Leon.
Especially, since Leon had – once again – taken the worst brunt of the revelations. Arthur knew now that Leon had died multiple times in his life.
And nobody had known or cared. To loose his reason to go on was bound to break a man.

Now Arthur was not sure what would happen to Leon next. He couldn't let him go freely (for more reasons than one). But he didn't want to keep him here, destined to be sentenced to death. Even if it wouldn't kill Leon, it was a suffering Arthur wouldn't wish on his worst enemy...

"Sire, I reckon that is not a good idea. The king is currently...", George interrupted his inner monologue and looked away, as if he suddenly realized something.
"My father is what?"
"Under arrest himself, my lord. He's in the cells.", George bowed to Arthur.

Arthur blinked a couple of times. His mind from before completely forgotten within a second. "Under arrest? Under who's orders?"
Mischievously, George looked back up. His face seemed both proud, but also a little regretful.
"Under mine.", George offered as an explanation and straightened his back to face the next king in line. He looked proud, almost challenging. But Arthur could tell that – should Arthur decide to arrest George – the servant would not disobey him. Because George never lied.
George was the most efficient servant they had. In other kingdoms he would be worth a fortune. He was loyal too. He would never overthrow a king.

Arthur's mind backtracked. His eyes widened. His mouth opened slowly.
"What?!", Merlin unhelpfully added. His mind circling around the same impossibility.

"I'm sorry, your majesty. But your father has committed treason to Camelot itself.
The council and the people seemed to agree with me, so we took matters into our own hands. The king is fine and well, but he is secured in the cells. We have decided to wait what you would decide, hoping that you would assume the throne yourself.
I figured that you would all return from the island.... changed. After learning the truth. And I deemed it better to have Camelot prepared for that.", George bowed again.

Arthur still stared at him.
"When we learned the truth? You knew?"

George blinked back up at him. "I found the book on the history of Drakonier that your father had been hiding. It contained how the dragon's came to be and -"

"Yes, yes, we know that story.", Merlin waved him off. "Of course...", Merlin smiled and turned to Arthur, even though he had just looked annoyed at the prospect of hearing the entire story AGAIN.
"The history book must be one of those the Dragon lord's have hidden! Leon's father must have taken one back to Camelot. That would explain why your father couldn't decipher it. It's written in the dragon tongue! If George really is the dragon from the egg, that explains how he could read it!",
Arthur blinked but nodded slowly as an answer. Everything Merlin just said needed so much context.
George however, looked scandalized. "Egg?", he muttered, until his eyes widened and he finally recognized that one part in the story, where the egg was mentioned.
"Me?", he added, if possible, more stressed than before.

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