Tiptoeing around the mistle (part 4 Christmas special)

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They all left he dungeons more or less wiser than before. Leon waswalking slowly, leaning on George for comfort and trying to hide hisbloody head from view of random witnesses, by hiding behind theservant. It was a strange sight to behold.
But it seemed to beworking somehow.
"Aren't you.... okay again?"

"Ialways need a while o regain my energy. It's really not fun to feellike this.", Leon answered slowly and closed his eyes for a second.
"I'll inform the king that you had to take the day of.",George muttered. But Leon only nodded, as if this was normalprocedure.

Only that this side notewas soon fully ignored, when a disheveled looking Gwen ran their way.
"George, there you are!", the maid said, completely out ofbreath.
"Guinevere. How may I help you?", George straightenedand forced Leon to stop as well.

"It's Karen.", was allshe needed to say. She looked panicked, but in an excited way. Aworried but yet bright smile plastered her lips and she needed nofurther words to get the meaning across.
George gaped at her,then he looked at Leon, who was currently in no condition to run.
"Go.", Leon sighed at him.
"It's your wife. Your child.They need you. I'll follow after, but it will take some time. Ipromise, I will be there."

George didn't sayanything. He just nodded and mouthed a 'thank you' before runningafter Gwen. Who turned around as well. Together they sped down thehall. Only at the end, they parted. Probably, because Gwen wasrunning to inform Gaius as well. The court physician was now just asneeded as Gwen was.
Their steps echoed in the empty hall.

Gwaine and Margaret staredafter them, while Leon heaved a deep breath and slid down the nextwall to calm down a little.

"Are you sure, you'll befine?"

"I certainly won't die from it.", Leon repliedand rolled his eyes.

Gwaine just blinked. "Didyou just use sarcasm?"
Leon grinned up at him, but didn't botherto answer.

Margaret however was shifting in her position.
"Ididn't know George was married.", she bit her lip as she commentedthis.

"I didn't know Karen waspregnant.", Gwaine said, because he did know Karen. But onlybriefly. He sometimes walked by her little tailor shop.
"Not formuch longer.", Leon commented.

"She's in labor? NOW?Speak about timing.", Gwaine muttered.

"And she chose Georgeover you?", Margaret asked. But Leon's eyes just filled withsomething akin to ignorant blood lust.
"Were you too old forher?", she continued.
And Leon just snapped. "Don't make meregret saving you earlier! Just SHUT the FUCK up. God, I hateyou."

Margaret stared at him and her eyes filled with tears.
"Just go away. Don't talk to me again. Just... leave.", Leonsounded tired and exhausted and mad.

Gwaine pressed his lipstogether. He actually understood Leon. She surely was a pesteringnuisance.

How had he not seen thatbefore?
Sure enough, when none of them told her to stay, sheturned around on her heels and walked off. But you could hear thesobbing even after she disappeared behind the next corner.
"Weren'tyou a little mean?"

"She literally threw me of a cliff. Ithink she can handle being disliked."

Gwaine shook his head.
"You know, I get that she's annoying and all. But don't youthink it would have been easier, if you just kissed her once?
Ihave realized that turning people away all the time is both hurtingme AND the people I reject. Why not just.... give them what theywant? It's just a small kiss. Nothing more.
It would be so mucheasier."

Leon stared at him. Then he blinked. Opened hismouth and closed it again. He said nothing. He just rose back to hisfeet, shook his head and then he walked off.
Leaving Gwainebehind like Gwaine's behavior had been as toxic as Margaret's hadbeen.

"You shouldn't have said that."
Gwaine jumped atthe sound. When he turned around, he was suddenly face to face with agentle giant.
"Percival?", Gwaine asked and sighed in reliefthat it had been a familiar face.

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