Chapter 17-- Got a Plan.

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Today is kind of different, I was rereading my book and noticed that I never talk about Jona and Sam..... So...... Today is a special day!... Today is a day called SAM AND JONA DAY it's just like mothers day but instead it'd Sam and Jona...

2 or 3 POV, still undecided....

Sandra Diggs.....

"Kiss my-"

"Done." Sam laughed, Jona huffed and turned around. Gosh, Jona is such a dramatic person. He likes to make everything into something funny, Sam just kissed him and it made him mad. Sam winked at me, Jona smacked the back of Sam's head.

"You can only wink at me, idiot."

"Mhmm... Love you too." Sam sipped out of his cup, Lina official got all of us addicted to Starbucks. Lina does a great job at influencing people with her blond-ness, Lina sat down next to me. We were all at the mall, Max sat down next to Lina. We were waiting for Fabian which made my heart almost skip a beat, now that we're "dating."

"I didn't say I love you, I said you can't wink at anybody else besides me." Jona crossed his arms and made that baby boy look, gosh it works all the time. Sam looked at him for a couple of seconds for stealing another kiss but this time on his cheek, Jona gapped. "Unbelievable! I told you not-"

"Shut the hell up, Johnny-boy." I heard a voice behind me, I froze and Lina noticed it. She send me that wink or tried to and a smile, Max snorted at Fabian's comment. Jona smiled, Jona was always happy to see Fabian. Even though Fabian is always grumpy, he makes people happy like Jona, Vixy, Laney, and me.

Fabian sat across from me, oh he's doing this on purpose. Well, two can play the game. "Did Laney come?" Jona asked, gosh Jona is obsessed with Laney-so is Lina.

Lina calls her "little mice" because if how low her voice sounds, almost like a mice squeaking around.

"Yeah, she's in the restroom." Fabian said, running his fingers through his messy hair. "Great! I'm going to take her shopping... Once I'm done with my second Starbuck cup."

"I already did." Fabian grumbled. Oh, he bought her clothes. He smirked at me, his eyes wandered behind me. I turned around to see Laney passing by some people, she sat down next me. She put down the bags, there was at least four bags. "Hi." Her voice was so soft and cute, Lina greeted her as well as Max and Sam. Jona smiled at her, Jona liked her a lot... As a friend. You could totally see that Jona was head over heels for Sam.

Fabian said something in French to Laney, she answered back. Laney speaks French? Sure she had a small accent but I couldn't describe what is what until now. "You speak French." I said, she nodded. "Yes, my mother was born in France, my dad is half-African American- half French." Oh now I can see why Fabian likes talking to her, she is French.

"Oh that is nice, what did he buy you?" I asked, she blushed at she looked at Fabian. Fabian was talking to Sam and Max, Lina was talking to Jona.

"He-uh bought me two shirts, pants, and one pair of new shoes... And he bought something for you too."

What? Laney blushed a darker shade of pink, wow. What did he buy me, Laney took out a small box, she opened it. You got to be kidding me, right? It was a black pendant necklace.

"Its a 1928 Victorian gothic pendant necklace, it almost symbolizes romance in some way." Romance? Yeah that what I and Fabian are going through. Does he know what it means? Probably not. "He also buy something for himself since that goes well with him." She laughed, softly.

"What is it?"

"A Satan symbol, it's a goat. It goes with him from what I was told."

"Told you what?"

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