Chapter 5-- Oh Accidental

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Sandra Diggs...

There's a thin line between Love and Hate.

What does that mean? I'm going to fall for with Blondie. Ha! I rather die.

Oh sweetie, like the therapist said there's a thin between you and Blondie.

I gulped, stop don't think that! I saw Axel in the couch of our living room. He had that officer uniform like always, I turned my head to see Brody, Marcos and Carlie.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, we are just gonna watch the game. Wanna watch it with us?" Carlie beamed, I shook my head. "No, can't. I'm going to go visit Vixy, ya know." I said, I just came to tell them. Marcos didn't like the idea of me being near Blondie, believe me neither do I but just to make Vixy happy. I'll go to war.

I went to my room and changed clothes. I got some ripped black jeans, a grey Nirvana shirt, black jacket. I kept my black converse, I had my hair up in a really messy ponytail. Which is rare by the way to y'all people.

"I'll be back!" I yelled as I grabbed my car keys, before they even said something I ran to my car and drove off. Like I said before, Marcos doesn't like Blondie. Nor do I, it took me like ten minutes to get to their house.

It's kind of weird that Blondie is doing nice things for Vixy, he must really... Love her. Ugh, that's disgusting. I don't want kids because I don't want them to go through the same thing I went through, I saw Vixy being thrown in the air like a baby. Blondie caught her.

For the first time I saw Blondie smiling, he had a dimple on his left cheek. My lips twitched as I wanted to smile, his smile disappeared quickly almost like he didn't want to smile.

He looked serious again and so did Vixy, I got out of the car. She saw me and ran towards me, "Sandra!" She hugged me.

"Hey Vixy." This was the first time I've seen Blondie ever since the wedding, it looked like he was worried. He looked around, Vixy grabbed my hand and walked me inside the house. I saw Vixy stuff in the small table in the living room. "Vixy, clean up your mess!" I heard Blondie yell from the kitchen, Vixy sighed. She went to clean her mess while I stood in the living room.

I still feel uncomfortable with Blondie ever since what had happened almost a year ago. He's such a disgusting man, I don't even know how he hasn't died yet.

Look at him, Sandra.

I did. He was wearing a white wife-beater, blue jeans, black vans. You could see his taunting muscles, his tattoos and some scars. Even though I hate him, I always wanted to know what those tattoos meant and where did he get those scars and from who. He must of felt me staring at him, he glared back and I did the same thing. How could I ever fall in love with someone like him? Crap, I rather fall in love with Kaleb than him.

"Dad, what are you making?" Vixy sat down next to me, she had her book and a pencil. She didn't have the same taste like mine but she still likes to hear me sing so she made a list of songs that I like (which are a lot of songs). Blondie never hears me because he never pays attention which is good.

"What song?"

"Island of the Misfit Boys by Front Porch Steps." This song means a lot to me. I nodded as Blondie ignored Vixy question. I put the song with my phone,

" I love to sleep, cause I pretend that I'm dead. But I hate waking up cause it's hard to forget that I've lost all control of this life that I've held so dear. And I wait for the bus but I'm not on the bench, I'm just spread across the ground making friends with cement, Hoping that the bus won't miss me when it comes my way. Well I made a few jokes but they said they weren't funny.I tried to force a smile but they said it was ugly.I tried to make a friend but no one was a friend to me. Poured my heart to a girl and it went on the floor, and I asked her what she wanted and she said she wanted more.
I tried to find a lover, all I found was an enemy.
Well I stand in front of the mirror and look at myself. And I don't make a sound but my eyes scream out help
And I start to struggle to hold myself back, From thrusting my head straight through the fucking glass
And I'm tired of falling for girls that don't care, And breaking my back to try to make them aware that I'm more than depressed and their time won't be wasted but I am just a broken boy that no one wants to play with..." I sang, Vixy smiled.

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