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Here you go kiddies! The BEFORE CHRISTMAS SPECIAL! There is gonna be dannies and Mackies POV

Years later (a lot) when Dannie is an adult...

Dannie Smalls...

Sighing, I drank out of my cup. How long have we been together? Eighteen years already. Of course we got married when we turned twenty, twenty-one for her since she's a year older than me. We've been married for five years.

I remember all we both have been through, it was nothing like my sister's love life. I was in no gang or was a nerd, I was a simple guy.

Lina was now thirty-five, believe it or not but she still looks like she's eighteen. She was still married to Maxwell, Mackie's older brother. He was thirty-six. They had kids now, I don't remember how many but they had a couple. I chuckled, they have been married for seventeen or eighteen years.

I remember when I told my parents I had proposed to Mackie, they went crazy but Lina told them that they got married at a young age, so did she and I was going to as well.

My parents agreed immediately so we got married, we still are thinking about having kids like I don't know what if I'm not a good parent. Of course I knew I was adopted when I was fifteen.

I just looked at the door, where was Mackie? I just looked down at my cup. Damn, I did love her a lot. I knew that when she said yes when I asked her out, I was pretty young when I knew I loved her but I didn't care. I love Mackie with all my heart.

"Dannie! I'm home!" I got up to see Mackie with a lot of bags from stores, she wobbled her way towards me. We were thinking about having kids because there one was on the way, Mackie was pregnant with our first child. A girl.

She was six months pregnant, I was scared as hell when she told me the news. What if I was a horrible father? What if I hit them and they hate me for life? I was too scared to know but of course I can't leave Mackie, she would hate me. I loved her too much.

"Hey, what's all this for?"

"Katalina, her kids, Max, Samuel, Jona, Vixy, gosh so much. Oh! I got this little dress for the baby!" She smiled, rubbing her stomach. I nodded, I never told her I was scared because what if she laughs at me for being scared. I just brushed my hand against her light caramel skin. She was perfect in every way, I love everything about her.

"Is something wrong?" She asked, I had to tell her everything. I had to tell her I was scared of having our child. When I found out I was adopted, I found out when I was fifteen. I think I got in a huge depression, Mackie and Vixy were there for me. Mostly Mackie, she would talk to me and showed she cared. We found out my parents didn't want me, my biological father was an abusive drug addict and my mom didn't want me. Lina told me her biological parents didn't want her either so they gave her away, she begged me to not follow the same steps she did. Like I said, Mackie was there for me. I just looked at her, her small framed face look worried.

She would talk to me, cry with me, make me laugh, everything. She was totally worth fighting for, I don't know if I was glad she was pregnant but I knew I was scared.

"Oh... Okay, um.... I'm going to take a shower." She left the bags in the floor and walked up the stairs, I just stood there. I don't want the divorce or take a break, I just want to talk to her. She going to take a shower, I'll talk to her after. I sat down again where I was before, I drank out of my cup again.

Thirty minutes has passed, what's taking her so long. I got up, I grabbed the keys from this house we had. I remember that Mackie had that habit to lock herself in the room or bathroom and even the car, so that's why we got second pair of keys in everything that has a lock because I don't like it when she cries. I walked to the bathroom, I unlocked the door.

Her clothes were in the floor, I could hear her crying in the shower.

I pulled the curtains to the side. She was crying but stopped. She was naked but I didn't care, I stopped the water.

"Why are you crying?" I asked, softly. She ignored my question, I grabbed her hand. "Mackie, why are you crying?"

"Because you wanna leave me!" She bursted out crying, what? "No, I don't want to leave you." I said, she began to wipe her tears. "Let's talk, okay?" I whispered, I got her out of the shower and wrapped a blanket around her body which didn't fit because of the bump.

We walked to our bedroom, She sat down and looked at me. "You don't want to leave? You looked like it was over which I understand because I'm pretty annoying at this time because of the baby..." She stopped and sighed, I got down on my knees. "Mackie, the truth is-"

"You're cheating on me."

"No, it's ever since you told me you were pregnant... I'm scared, Mackie. I'm scared of having a kid, what if I hurt the baby?" She looked at me, cupping my face.

"Dannie, you're going to be an amazing father and I know that. I'm scared too even though I don't show it, I really am. I know we can both get through it." I was being really stupid thinking she would laugh at me, I pressed my lips against hers.

"I'm being really emotional right now, Dannie and I don't think it's a good thing it's a good idea to kis-" I kissed her again, sometimes it's good and now I know I'm glad about the whole pregnancy.

Mackie Monte-Negro (Smalls)

I wrapped my arms around Dannie, he was sleeping I think. I never thought I would find love at a very young age, I liked Dannie when we first met in second grade. But I loved him the day he first kissed me which was a couple days after he asked me out, he was my first kiss. He was my first in everything at a very young age, even at sex. I smiled as I traced his abs, I loved him so much.

"Hmm.... Going for a second round?" I rolled my eyes, I heard him chuckling. He can be a jerk sometimes but I love him that way too, I looked up at him. Some of his hair was sticking to his forehead, his cheeks were bright red, his smile made my heart race faster. "Hmm... Tempting but no, I got to wrap the presents and you didn't see Ariz dress." I said, he smiled even more but he looked at me again. "Ariz?"

"That's going to be her name Ariz Dannie Smalls, I want her to have your name as her middle name." I said, he chuckled. "I love it." He kissed me, I leaned more towards him. His hand slowly slipped down my sides to my waist, I moaned and he smirked.

"Second round?" I remember this words when he was fifteen and I was a couple days from turning sixteen, he had barely turned fifteen. We were both in his room, sure we had made out and kissed when no one was home before but that day was different. Dannie was still sad about the truth about his family, he was mad too so he would yell but not at me. I was there watching as he took out his anger and then out of nowhere he just kissed and things went further. I was scared at first but then I remembered it was Dannie and the fear went away, I knew I was going to spend the rest of my life with him so it was okay. Thankfully I haven't gotten pregnant till now that I'm twenty-six.

"I said no, Dannie."

"Please, mhmm..." I bit his chin and got up from the bed, I began to change into some clothes. I wore one of Dannie's red shirts and some boxers of mine, I could feel Dannie staring at me. "You got a little..." I pointed at my chin, he tried to wipe his chin but soon glared at me. I quickly smiled, walking down the stairs to where the bags were. I got the small bag where the little dress for Ariz was, I heard footsteps behind me. I turned to see Dannie wearing some pajamas pants, he was shirtless so you can see his toned body. I grabbed the small bag and handed to him, he looked at me confused. "Open it." I ordered, he did.

There was a light pink dress with a ribbon going around the waist and it had little flowers for the summer. "Wow, it's beautiful." He whispered as his fingers ran through the satin ribbon. "I know! It reminds me of Lina's wedding and when we first dated so that's why I bought it. I fell in love with it." I said in an awed voice, Dannie wrapped his arms around me but my belly stopped him from getting any closer to me.

"I think I'm going to love this Christmas."


Here ya go! A before Christmas Special, its a lot of years later. I hope you love this Before Special. Don't get confused if you are message me or comment below.

Thank you for reading.

Poisonous Kisses :*

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