Chapter 22--I Remember You, I Remember Pain.

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   Meep! Okay first thing first: I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT SHOW THIS IS! I know, it's sad but I just saw it on Google and thought it was nice. I have to see the show, I'm late on things. Why? Bc I push myself away from tv shows or anything. I just watch Korean Drama, Anime, Anime, Korean Drama, How to get a life (._.)

Jona Lucas.....

"I need a drink." I murmured to Sandra, she looked at me. "Same. Wanna go to bar after school?" I nodded. Why are things so complicated with Samuel? Some times I feel like I'm not in a relationship with him but then I am, he's doing his best to cover up things. I wish Rick could tell me but I guess Fabian threaten him, I know Fabian is trying to protect me but I need to know more of my past. Why did I forget everything? Why did I forget the big love I had for Sam? I don't know anything or anyone anymore. Lina and Sandra are always there for me, Sam is too but I rarely tell him things because he goes all ape on people. I just scribbled on my notebook the whole time, I just felt a huge hole in my heart. Something is missing, maybe the truth of my past. How long are they going to keep that away from me? The doctor said that they needed to show me things of my past so I could remember but everyone is doing the opposite; they're hiding from me and I'm tired of it.

    "Jona, can you please tell me how Shakespeare died?" Huh? My brows furrowed. I looked at Laney, she told me before. "It's a mystery, there is a lot of theories but some say that he had a fever that he contracted from drinking too much." I said, Laney smiled at me. The teacher nodded, stupid literature. I noticed a bruise on Laney's forehead, I bet she's a klutz some times. Sandra smiled at me, confused. "How did you know the answer."

"Laney, Laney is always the answer." I winked at her, Sandra laughed. I went back to scribbling on my notebook, I wish this day can by faster and it will. Sam, Max and Lina didn't come to school; Max and Sam went to go do their "business" with Fabian and Lina had to go to the doctors for her eye sight. I think she's going to get new glasses, I looked down at my notebook.


Who-What the hell? Kevin? Second time I wrote this stupid name, dammit. The bell rang, I bolted from my seat and ran off. I waited for Sandra, I need a drink, I need to get drunk. I walked with Sandra to her car, we were going to this bar that we go all the time if needed, the owner knows us so we have no problems.

   "What song?"

  "Dunno, just play one." I said distantly, I need to just forget about everyone right now, I need to forget about Samuel. What will happen if I find out the truth? What they are hiding from me, what will I do? Probably laugh if it's something stupid, probably cry if it something I cared about about, probably cry and scream if it's something that will change my life, probably scream at everyone for never telling me. I looked outside the window.

Probably scream at Sam for lying to me, making me believe something that was never true. Sandra and I got out of the car, walking in the bar to see a no one. I saw the bartender, he smiled at us.

    "Jona! Sandra! Welcome." He smiled, he went to go prepare our usual drinks. I looked at the table as I sat down, Sandra just looked at me. "Whats wrong?"

"Do you know what everyone is hiding from me?" I asked. "Hell no. If I knew, I would of told you." She said, I nodded. Right, Sandra and Lina are the only ones who are clueless as I am. Max will never tell Lina the secret, it's between him and the gang. "Here you go, hope you two enjoy." The bartender smiled, leaving.

I looked at my drink, here goes nothing...





"Do you know I'll kick everyone ass if I have to?" I slurred, Sandra nodded with a smile. "I hate Sam, I hate him so much." I whispered. I really do, he is a lying son of a b*tch. I heard footsteps behind me, a chuckle which made my whole body tense. I don't know why, but I felt fear. I just looked at Sandra who wasn't even drunk yet, she is very good at handling alcohol and she is lucky for that.

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