Chapter 4-- This Is My Life and Mine Only

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Good morning guys! Today is November 26 in the morning. *hint hint* the good morning guys!. So if I haven't written in a couple of days. It's bc I had my birthday four or three day break and then Thanksgiving break as well and bc I had to do a five page essay. Things happen, kids. So this a different POV, if it's not one then it's two POVs.

First POV...

Fabian Mente...

My life went from sad to slightly happy with Vixy in it, she did her best to make me smile. In the beginning, she would barely talk and when she did, she would ask me why I always looked mad. I just shrugged it off but then she noticed how I acted towards "my mother".

She told me to love her and respect her, I told her I couldn't. I never thought I would love and adore some one but I love Vixy as my daughter. She grew a lot. It's been less than a year and she's into boxing, she says she loves it and wouldn't change anything in th world to be with me.

Vixy learned that I don't smile or laugh at lot, I always have my angry face. She also understood that I had to I had "problems", I get angry easily, I cuss a lot, I drink a lot. But I learned how to control myself, if I ever get mad at Max or at Sam to go to her room but sometimes she won't listen, she'll do her best to calm me down. She learned to not to cuss, she's still young.  And she makes me only drink four beers a day, except on Sunday, that's "father-daughter" time. We spend the day together, she says she loves being with me because she feels safe and happy with me which makes me glad.

Also, she only lets me smoke two cigarettes a day. She is very strict with me but she keeps me stable, I'm glad I have her in my life. Nobody was ever able to control me but Vixy knows how, she's very.... Mean and strict. I like that about her, I'm glad I have her as my daughter.

"Hey dad." Vixy smirked, she learned how to do that evil classic smirk. "Hey, how was school?" I asked, she closed the door. I began to drive to the house I bought with my own money, I moved out a couple weeks after I found Vixy. "My mom" was getting in my nerves so I decided to move out. So Vixy and I have our own house, I buy a lot of things for her to make her happy even though she doesn't ask for much.

"Good, I punched this boy in the stomach. Thank God the teacher was not there. Oh, can Mackie and Dannie come over? We wanna hang out." I arched a brow, turning to look at her for a second. She had her hair in a ponytail, wearing a cap; the tail went through the back of the hole of the cap, a Tupac shirt, faded blue baggy jeans and her black Adidas.

"Vixy, you saw them like two days ago."

"I know, dad but I wanna talk to Mackie... About girl things and plus Dannie got the new COD game. Come on, papa?" Ever since she lives with me, she hears me talking in Spanish so she learns a little.

She turned manly but in a good way, she acts like a guy, dresses like one and she does boxing. We both box in a gym I bought like two years ago, nobody knows where the gym is located except Max. He helped me with a few things, not even Sam knows about the gym.

"Fine but you know what that means right?"

"I have to go to sleep early, but if Mackie stays over we have to sleep earlier because tomorrow there's school." She grunted, rolling her bright blue eyes. I made a rule that if she begged me so Mackie and/or Dannie to come over, she has to sleep at nine but if Mackie stays over, they have to sleep at eight-thirty. Vixy sleeps at ten, no minute later than that.

I don't want her to end up like me with no education or future, I'll do my best so she chooses a different road from what I did. So I'm strict with her too.

She sleeps at ten or earlier, wakes up at seven and has to be ready by seven-thirty. She has also has to bring me good grades or she's grounded which means no Mackie and Dannie, no x-box and no boxing for a week or less than that. She has to bring me higher than a D, if it's a D than she's grounded for a week but if it's an F than she's grounded for two weeks till she gets those grades up.

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