Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Devon's bedroom

"Sunshine..." Devon whined and buried his nose on the junction of Elijah's neck and shoulder, feeling so neglected. It was Devon's fault anyway. Because he can't contain the need to please Elijah, he gave the boy limited-edition magazines of Phineas and Ferb, each one has an autograph from the creators of the animation. Mina collected the signed magazines under the instructions of Devon.

"Yes?" Elijah answered without even looking at Devon, his blue eyes twinkling as he took in pages after pages of the wonderful magazine, so lost in his own world. Devon groaned and felt so betrayed, his arms tightening around Elijah's waist, the boy perched on his lap in the middle of Devon's massive bed.

"Baby..." Devon now had his chin on Elijah's shoulders, grumbling softly, while taking a peek at the magazine that stole Elijah from him.

With a soft giggle, Elijah closed the magazine and placed it beside him, then raised his hand to pat Devon's head. "What do you want, Dev? Do you want to do anything?" Elijah shifted so he could sit face-to-face with Devon. He wanted to read more but Devon needs his attention right now. The magazine can wait until later.

Devon bit the inside of his cheeks when Elijah chose him over the magazine. Now that Elijah's baby blues are trained on him, Devon's mind went blank, so Devon said the first thought that came into his mind. "Who's Ryzel?" Devon has yet to read the file on Elijah, and it seemed that Elijah holds Ryzel dearly, so Devon was genuinely curious.

Elijah's beaming expression and twinkling blue pools dimmed. That's right. Ryzel. Elijah was having so much fun that he's starting to forget the reason why he applied for a job in the first place. Devon noticed Elijah's sudden change of mood and got worried, immediately regretting his question.

"I'm sorry, sunshine. You don't have to tell me if you're still not ready. I can wait. Why don't we start our Phineas and Ferb marathon? I'll get the snacks and—"

"Ryzel Thompson," Elijah started with a sad smile and his eyes darted to the dark sky visible from Devon's balcony. "He's one of the most important people in my life. He saved me, clothed me, and fed me. He took care of me when I had nothing, Dev. He's the reason why I'm working so hard. I-I want to find him. I want to see him again," Elijah turned to Devon with tear-filled eyes, and Devon's chest squeezed painfully when he saw how heartbroken Elijah was.

Devon cradled Elijah's face into his hands and stroked the boy's cheeks softly. "It will be alright, sunshine. We'll find him. You will see Ryzel again," Devon promised and a lone tear escaped from Elijah's eyes, believing the assurance that Devon had made. "Can you tell me what happened, sunshine? If I had the general facts, I could ask around and it would be easier to find Ryzel that way."

Elijah blinked several times, letting the information sink in, and when it did, Devon witnessed how Elijah's somber expression morphed into an ecstatic one, and Devon wanted to pat himself on the back for a job well done.

more than a month ago,

"You know I can't leave him yet. It's dangerous. Do you know what could have happened if I didn't see him? If I didn't arrive on time? And now, you want me to leave him? Are you fucking insane?!" Ryzel gritted out, his grip on the phone was enough to crush the poor device, and even if he wanted to, he couldn't break the only communication device he had.

"He will be fine, Ryzel. I know someone who will look after him. You know more than anyone that I will not agree to this decision if we have another option. Our hands are tied. We need you here. If they find out about your location, his life will definitely be in danger," the man on the other line explained desperately.

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