Every journey which starts ends one or the other day but this doesn't mean that it is end of everything.
Each passing day we grow, we learn, we fall , we make memories which makes us stronger in our difficult time be it good or bad they help us in our bad times rather I should say in our difficult times.
Enjoy the journey because life is a long journey with small small packages of happiness, sadness teachings and up- down times.
Since every journey teaches us, we learn a lot as the journey goes by we grow and plan for new journey, so don't get disheartened to loose something because something more beautiful than this is planned ahead what you need is just a courage and little bit of hard work to grab what you actually deserve
Keep learning and shining !!
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Short StoryHonestly, rather than story it is my space of venting out my thoughts. # motivation 💫 #smile #laughter # inspiration # my space # thoughts # ideas # stories ..many more 😊 ::::::;;;;;;;;;;::::::::::; Spread smile spread love spread positivity:...