heads or tails

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As coin has its two faces , heads or tails ,similarly every situation has its two possibilities either to do it or not to do it ,,either to move at head or to return back ....
Also every paths have their own advantage and disadvantage. .

Now what to choose ??
Consider advantages and disadvantages of both parts and then think what do you want at the end and follow what you feel is going to be beneficial ...

OK let's take this example ...
Every writer has an option to quit writing the novel or to keep it writing , now it is his choice whether he quits and leaves incomplete without even passing on the real message of that novel , or he can finish it and give the necessary information for readers .. Now that's his choice... If he would have continued then maybe his novel was the future's best seller or he could have quitted to write a better novel which could have been liked by many ,, choice is yours whether you quit or continue ...

Think wisely ,, because your one decision can bring you to shore rather than enjoying swimming in ocean or it can make you drown in ocean .....

One wrong decision made kings in the history to lose their territory ...

Trusting on a wrong person , our history is full of trusting on wrong persons and loss of kingdoms to kings , battle of plassy is one example of trusting on wrong person .....

Trust yourself only or your parents only because anyone can betray you so think wisely before reacting to a situation ....

At last try to search positivity in each situation this will make you feel happy in the worst of the situations and happiness is the another way to stay motivated and to work hard in worst of the times .....

Keep smiling , stay happy , search positivity and work hard , choose wisely .... All the best , have an amazing life , live every moment , and every bit of it , because you are lucky to take breath 🤠🤠😇😇

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