Spreading happiness ,,brings back happiness to you .....
Staying happy is very important so stay happy not only for you but for your family also ...
If you stay happy then the environment near you becomes really pleasent and you can avoid many arguments and fights through your smile ....
Its said that a happy soul ,, is the one who keeps people satisfied and is the one who is able to have patience to hear to people and reply patiently ,, so stay happy to get happiness back ....
Its very simple to spread happiness ,,by just feeling good yourself , because same vibes are taken by people around you ....
So maintain a constant smile , feel good ,, and make others feel good
😊😊😊😊be a happy soul 😊😊😊to make others feel happy 😊😊😊keep smiling 😁😁😁😁like this
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Short StoryHonestly, rather than story it is my space of venting out my thoughts. # motivation 💫 #smile #laughter # inspiration # my space # thoughts # ideas # stories ..many more 😊 ::::::;;;;;;;;;;::::::::::; Spread smile spread love spread positivity:...