Sometimes it seems too far
Sometimes too away
Farther from our sightConsistent efforts too fall short
Consistent belief of achieving it
Falls shortIt maybe too far
Too difficultBut it is not impossible right
There must be some light at the end of the road
There must be some exit
But consistent efforts are too important
To reach the door
To reach the exitLet's promise
To keep hopes high
To keep efforts maximum
To keep ourselves motivated
Until we reach to the end of the road
It is possible
We can make it possible
Doesn't matter how long it takes
But this is possible ......Lastly, there is no alternative for hard work so keep working hard keep enjoying and stay happy 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁
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Short StoryHonestly, rather than story it is my space of venting out my thoughts. # motivation 💫 #smile #laughter # inspiration # my space # thoughts # ideas # stories ..many more 😊 ::::::;;;;;;;;;;::::::::::; Spread smile spread love spread positivity:...