So yaah !! Every person has different point of view to a situation ,,someone finds difficulties in a situation and others find opportunities in same situation but what's the difference here ,,
Is it the situation being different ?? Or our way of viewing or perceiving it ??
I guess its our way !!! So what should we do in that case ,, we can try to be positive and look positively to a situation ..
But that doesn't mean to ignore its negatives .. We should consider both at the same time and then decide what is right for us ...
Listening to everyone's point of view is difficult and sometimes impossible but having patience to hear everyone is an art ....
So hear everyone's point of view ,, because if he is saying something then he must have thought about it at least once ....
Many problems are solved by just patiently listening to everyone if not possible to find solution to their problem ,, but we are making him feel good by just being a patient listener ,, making bonds strong for future..I remember my teacher told me when I was in 9th standard :
One who has patience to listen others is the one who becomes a good speaker in future ::
be a good listener so everyone wants to tell you their thoughts, be a good speaker -so everyone wants to hear youAt last you all are mature enough to choose what is right and what is not ,, choose wisely ,, all the best .....
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Short StoryHonestly, rather than story it is my space of venting out my thoughts. # motivation 💫 #smile #laughter # inspiration # my space # thoughts # ideas # stories ..many more 😊 ::::::;;;;;;;;;;::::::::::; Spread smile spread love spread positivity:...