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Everyday we are tested for what we are and what we are going to be next..
New day ! New problems! New solutions ! Failures and success! Disappointments and happiness ! And life goes on -n-on-n-on .......

But few things which help us fight through these problems is us ,, we only ,, our confidence, our hard work ,, helps us overcome all situations ....

But in the midst of this ,, I have one question ::having confidence on ourself is so important to complete a task ???

Answer is yes ,, because if you have  confidence on yourself ,, if you have confidence on your abilities to complete a task then you will surely be able to do that task ... Confidence gives us a boost to do that task and you agree or not, you need it every time you do a job ..

But yes sometimes we are in confusion that will we be able to do this or not ,, then we should just do one thing and that is to get started because only way to complete it is to get started ,, because once you have started to drive your car from your house then hopefully you will reach your destination some time or the other and if you don't even reach your destination in any case then you are going to learn an unforgettable lesson through your incomplete journey ... So don't have fear from getting started because every start has a beautiful end and if not so then an unforgettable lesson is taught ...

So have confidence on yourself ,, because no one is god , no one is perfect ,, we humans are meant to do mistakes ,, so do new mistakes and learn from them and try not to repeat them ,, and be a hard working person because god also don't help those who don't help themselves ,, help yourself , and stay confident 😇😇

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