Oh ,yes ! I have been wondering that is it true or not ??
OK let's look up to this fact that 62 facial muscles are required to frown whereas less than half of them are need to smile -23.. So when we are smiling less muscles are being used up so less energy is required thereby we are decreasing the utilization of energy .. And now we can use this energy in some other work.
Its also said that when we laugh we usually respire through our mouth which means more air is supplied ,, and more of oxygen is supplied to our body so more energy will be produced in turn ..
Also few hormones like dopamine and serotonin are released which reduces our stress and makes us feel good and happy
On the other hand when we smile or laugh we create a happy zone near us which is if crossed by anyone then- he also begins to feel good...
Imagine that you are stressed due to some work of your office or college and you are sitting on your terrace , wondering to get a solution to your problem ,, but suddenly you hear a child from the neighborhood laughing and playing ... You look up to see him and see a cute face with beautiful smile now what do you feel:: you must have felt happy ,, unknowingly a small smile would have came to your face ,, OK now maintain it ,, this is a good lesson which a small kid can teach us ,, that is to smile and smile and keep smiling and feeling good even in the midst of problems because life is a roller coaster ride enjoy every bit of it ...
Thus smile and laugh more in place of frowning and being angry because this is the only way to feel good and make others feel good...
Stay smiling and stay ☺😁😀😆
So today is 3RD MAY : and do you know what today is ??? World laughter day ,, so today's story is dedicated to laughter... Keep laughing
Get Inspired
Short StoryHonestly, rather than story it is my space of venting out my thoughts. # motivation 💫 #smile #laughter # inspiration # my space # thoughts # ideas # stories ..many more 😊 ::::::;;;;;;;;;;::::::::::; Spread smile spread love spread positivity:...