The Meeting

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Through all the Payne: a One Direction fanfic part 2

🌺Adalynn's POV🌺 I wake up and my mum is staring at me from the bottom of my bed. "Muum! How many times have I told you not to stare at me while I sleep?!" I shout at her. She hops off and kisses my forehead. "One Direction is coming in three days." She says sing-songy. I sit up and look at her. She nods and giggles. "No way!" I practically jump out of bed. "Yepp! And they are going to be able to get you a kidney in a week and a liver in three weeks." She seems so happy. That's a lot of procedures I have to overcome within the same month. I can't sand seeing my mum sad so I pretend like I'm not worried. She hops up and does a little dance. I look over at the alarm clock in my room. It's 3pm. "Mum I want to walk around. My legs are tired." I complain. She rips the covers off of me and helps settle my feet on the floor. It's been a week since I've walked. My mum helps straighten out my back. "They need to feed you fattier foods Addy." My mum says looking at my rib cage and my feeble hands. I smile and nod. I take a step. With every step I take a bone cracks. I walk over to my door and lean in the frame. I see a water fountain. I look Over at my mum. She's texting probably telling everyone the good news. I steady myself and take a step. So far so good. I take a few more. A heart breaking snap crackles the hospitals silent halls and I fall to the ground. A few nurses stop and rush over to me. My mum runs over to me. "Adalynn!" I shoo them all away and stand up on my own. I clutch onto my mum as she practically drags me back to my room. "Adalynn why the hell would you do that?!" she shouts. A tear falls out of my eye and I show my mum my knee. It's swollen and a little blue. "We need to get you that bone marrow." she sighs. I don't want anything else. I've been through Chemo,laser therapy,and a surgical procedure where they put tubes in your kidney to help circulate everything. "Mum,I don't want to look like this when they see me." I quietly say. She turns and looks at me. "I'll bring over your white satin blouse with the necktie and your high waisted black shorts. I'll get some of your makeup too." She says forcing a smile. I nod at my mother. "Can you get my black boots?" I ask her trying to lighten the mood. She comes over and tucks me in. "Get some sleep."

🍴Liams POV🍴 We pile into the car to go to the hospital. It's a somewhat short drive. Paul looks at us and says,"Now don't be stupid. We are in a hospital. You guys have been to one before. It's very important that you make this girl happy. Harry,don't do anything you woldnt do in front of your grandmother." We all look at Louis waiting for Paul to say something about him. Nope. We arrive at the hospital and paparazzi is all over the place. We casually walk into the hospital and let Paul and management lead us to her room. Paul knocks and we hear a soft 'Come In'. I see a girl about 17 in a nice outfit sitting in a chair. Her skin is pale and some places the veins show really bad and she just seems really sick. I didn't know she was this old. I though it was a younger fan. A women pops into my gaze. "Hello lads,I'm Adalynns mum." she waves. We all kind of give a small wave. I walk over to her and bend over to giver her a hug. "Hello Liam." she whispers in my ear. I pull away and she smiles. Niall is the next to hug her. Then Harry,Louis,and Zayn. Adalynn looks around at us. "Can you guys get some chairs for these boys and leave one camera man in here and let us be?" She quietly and calmly commands. Everyone scrambles to find us chairs. They put one camera man in the room and everyone leaves. She smiles and looks at us. "I'm Adalynn. My nickname is Addy. I have a rare condition. I've had it for three years. I am 18 years old. I need a kidney,liver,and bone marrow transplant. I am getting a liver and a kidney,all I need is bone marrow. By the time the list gets to me,I'll be dead. I love you guys. Your all very lovely people. I would stand up and hug you boys but I had an accident two days ago and I cannot stand or walk very well. Anything you would like to say or ask?" She just calmly tells us everything and we just gape our mouths and stare. There was something beautiful about her. Infact,she was very beautiful. "If I can get people to donate will it help with the bone marrow?" I ask. She nods yes. We all just look at each other. "Your amazing love." Niall says breaking the silence. "I'm sorry if I made it uncomfortable." she says softly. Paul knocks and pokes his head in. "Say bye boys,we need to get going." We say okay and look back at Adalynn. Zayn is the first to get up. He hugs her and kisses her cheek. "It was an honor to meet you Zayn." she tells him. Next was Louis. He hugs her and kisses her cheek. "Louis,I was expecting you to make everything less awkward. Maybe next time." she says optimistically. Niall went next. He did the same as everyone. "Niall will you help me up?" she asks. He nods and helps her balance. Niall leaves the room with tears in his eyes. Harry walks over to Adalynn. She throws her arms around his neck and he laughs. "Harry you cheeky chappy." She giggles. Harry kisses her on the lips. It wasn't a deep kiss nor a peck. It was something. He shoots me a devilish smile and leaves. I walk over to her. She throws her arms around my neck too. "Liam it would be great if you would help raise money for me." She whispers softly in my ear. I feel compelled to give her something. Even though it's only 11 little things,I hope she likes it. She hugs me one more time and I go out into the hallway with everyone else. We all look at each other amazed.

**A/N please comment and vote!**

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