The City is Ours

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BTR Imagine 22: The City is Ours


He's late. He's never late.

I stood outside the airport arrival section, tapping my foot while I checked my phone for the millionth time. I decided to call my brother.

He picked up on the third ring, "You're late."

"Sorry sis!" Logan said frantically. "Gustavo had us run late. But I'm not that far!"

"I'd beat you up if I didn't miss you so much." I said.

"Always the charmer. Nothing has changed." Logan said. Then the line clicked dead.

I rolled my eyes. That doofus. A few minutes later Logan pulled up.

"You're late." I repeated as Logan got out of the car. He put my suitcases in the car.

"Fix your lips bro." He said, giving me a big hug.

"Fix your ass bro." I countered. We both laughed. It was our favorite thing to quote.

Logan caught me up to speed on his life. It was still surreal for me that he moved out to California for music. I knew he had a great voice, but he was always so shy about it. Plus he was too focused on school and becoming a doctor to really take singing seriously.

Now here I am: moving out here with Logan to pursue acting. Mom and dad were more worried about me coming here. But Logan assured them that he would look out for me. Mrs. Knight assured them even more that she'll take care of me as well while I'm here.

We finally arrived at the Palm Woods. It was just as nice as the pictures Logan sent me. I got my things settled in the apartment.

"Hey Logan are you here?" A voice called out.

"Yeah over here." He replied.

That's when I saw him.

My heart started to beat faster. Kendall.

"Did you want to head over-" Kendall started to say, but then stopped when he saw me. "Oh I didn't know your sister was here already."

"Yeah, we just got here like, 20 minutes ago." Logan said.

"Hey." I managed to choke out.

"Hey. Nice to see you again. Welcome." Kendall said.

"Thanks." I said shyly.

"What I was going to say," Kendall said, looking back to Logan. "Did you want to go to the pool? Carlos and James are there already."

"Can't. I planned a picnic day with my sis here." Logan said.

"Alright cool. I'll see you when you guys get back." Kendall said. Then he left for the door.

"Are you blushing?" Logan asked while he looked at me.

"No you." I said, looking down at the ground.

Logan took me to the park for a picnic. He packed all my favorites; chicken salad sandwiches, chocolate chip cookies, brownies, lemonade. We sat under a shady tree as we caught up even more.

All around us people were walking by. Some were playing outdoor games like frisbee. Others jogging. The weather was nice and balmy, not too hot.

"So what do you have planned for tomorrow?" I asked, taking a sip of my lemonade.

"Gustavo has us in the studio again. You should come with us. It'll give you a chance to see the studio" Logan said with a smile.

"I would love to!" I said.

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