The New Girl

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BTR Imagine 24: The New Girl


After 5 hours in a plane and a drive from the airport, I couldn't believe I was standing in front of the Palm Woods. What surprised me more is that my parents agreed to move here to help me with my writing career.

I always wanted to be a writer in Hollywood; writing scripts for movies and tv shows. People had their doubts about writing scripts being a part of entertainment. But without them, there would be no shows and movies to binge on tv. Actors wouldn't be a thing and out of a job.

I just hope I can make it big.

Once we got our things settled in our apartment, I headed down to the pool to find some inspiration. The pool did not disappoint. The people filtering in and out of the area, jumping in the pool, the murmuring and laughter of conversations. I can definitely start hammering out ideas for my next story plot.

I sat to one side of the pool, observing everything around me. I opened up my notebook and started to jot down some observations.

Suddenly three figures stood in front of me. I looked up and saw three girls looking down in disgust.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"Look at what we have here. A new girl. What are you here for?" The blonde girl asked.

"Singing?" The curly haired girl asked.

"Acting?" The dark haired girl asked.

"Oh, I'm here for writing." I said shyly. "I'm—"

The blonde put her hand up, "Doesn't matter what your name is. You're not gonna get far with writing. I mean what can you do with writing here?"

"Write scripts and story plots. Maybe even lyrics for musicians. Without those it's just people doing improv and singers doing covers." I explained. The three just continued to look at me up and down with disgust.

"Alright Jennifers you can leave now. Leave the poor girl alone." A male voice called out.

The three girls turned to the voice. A guy about 5 foot 10 with dirty blonde hair and blueish green eyes, I couldn't tell in the sun light, walked over to us. The three girls looked me over one last time, flipped their hair, and walked away, all in unison.

"Sorry about the Jennifers. They can be a little...much." The guy said.

"The Jennifers? All three of them are named Jennifer?" I asked.

"Yup. I'm Kendall by the way." The guy said as he introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you, and thanks for the save." I said.

"Do you want to meet the rest of my band? We're cool dudes. Plus I'll introduce you to some nicer people here in the Palm Woods." Kendall said.

"Sure. That would be awesome." I said, accepting his offer.

On the way I explained why I moved here and all. He nodded his head as I told him my story. He didn't think I was weird at all for moving here for writing.

"I can't wait to read your work!" Kendall said with a smile. He stopped in front of a door. He swung it open, "Welcome to our place."

"This place is so cool! Is that swirly slide? That's so awesome!" I said, gawking at the apartment.

A guy wearing a helmet came down the slide head first. He looked over at us and waved, "Hey Kendall! Hey new person!"

"That's Carlos." Kendall said.

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