The Wedding

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BTR Imagine 3: The Wedding


The big day had finally come-I was going to marry Kendall. After dating for three years, he asked my hand in marriage. I could not be any happier.

Kendall chose Dustin as his best man. James, Carlos, and Logan were the groomsmen. I had my bridesmaids picked out to match.

My best friend and maid of honor, Sam, was helping me with my hair and make-up. She carefully placed each lock of hair in place. With the gentle sweep of her make-up brushes, she touched up my face.

"Ta da!" Sam said as she spun me around.

I was amazed at what Sam has done. Everything was beautifully and perfectly done. I looked like a princess.

"Oh girl, you look so beautiful! I'm so happy for you!" Sam said, hugging me close.

Five minutes later, the wedding began. everyone took their place outside. The groomsmen and bridesmaids walked out one by one. I became more and more nervous as they left.

The moment came; I walked forward through the doors. Everyone turned and stood, some taking pictures and filming. The wedding march played. I inched towards to front.

My eyes met Kendall. He stood at the front, his hands covering his mouth. His eyes were near tears. My heart raced as the space between me and Kendall grew smaller.

Before I knew it, I stood before Kendall. He looked at me, smiled, and said, "You look amazing, Mrs. Schmidt."

The ceremony went on. I felt my heart flutter knowing I was actually marrying my best friend in the world.

"Do you take this man to be your husband, to have and to hold, in rich and in poor, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do."

"Do you, Kendall Francis Schmidt, take this woman to be your wife, to have and to hold, in rich and in poor, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do."

"In the power vested in me, I now present you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride!"

Kendall wrapped one arm my waist, the other crass my back, lean me back and kissed me. I draped my arms around his neck.

"I now present you: Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Schmidt!"

The crowd cheered. Kendall took my hand and smiled at me. I did the same. We walked down the aisle. Midway down, Kendall stopped, lifted me over his shoulder, and put is fist in the air as we walked out.

I couldn't help but laugh, and I couldn't be more happier.

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