Episode 2: The Cavalry

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In the dark castle, Maleficent and her minions have watched the whole thing happened. And now, they see that half of the heroes are still on the island, trapped for now. Maleficent is sitting on her throne while holding Fear. 

Invader: Well, looks like half the team is still on the island, along with some people.

Maleficent: Yes. And now, those two people are holding them hostage for some reason. 

Pete: (Laughs) Maybe they'll both do us all a favor, and take care of them for us.

Doma: No, they won't. I sense some doubt and a lot of goodness in them. They're just scare of being rescued. 

Machine King: Then I'd say we need to bring down another monster to fight them, another dinosaur monster. 

Dark Assailant: Yes. Doma, bring forth another. 

Doma: At once. 

She then summons a card into her card. The dinosaur is a medium two-legged creature, with a blue pearl in its paw, and it can blow fire out of its mouth, like a dragon.

 The dinosaur is a medium two-legged creature, with a blue pearl in its paw, and it can blow fire out of its mouth, like a dragon

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Doma: Excellent. The heroes will be helpless against him. 

She then throws the card into the skull, and chants.

Doma: Forces of evil, bring this monster to life, for its purpose to serve Maleficent and her king!

Lightning strikes inside the skull, and loud roaring is heard inside. Then, the blue pearl appears out of the skull, and then, the dinosaurs appears out of it, and it holds onto the pearl. It growls as it looks around. 

Doma: My queen, this is Element Saurus, and he's at your service. 

Maleficent: (Smirks) Good. Now, my dinosaur, go to the island, and destroy those heroes once and for all. And let nothing stand in your way! Go!

Element Saurus roars, and teleports out of the castle to go to Isla Nublar. Maleficent laughs as she grins evilly. 

Isla Nublar, 120 miles West of Costa Rica

Back on the island, three pterodactyls are flying over the island. They're flying towards the coast, and over them is a fence that's blocking the beach for any dinosaurs. Then, the middle pterodactyl hears something, and it screeches to its friends, and they all fly to the right, as two helicopters come in view, and they're flying over the island. It's the rescue teams that Gerry called, and they're looking for them. In one of them, three men wearing military outfits are looking down at the island while their pilot is flying the chopper. 

Pilot: Man Slater, the storm really tore up this whole place! 

Slater: It ain't the storm we're here to rescue people here, Hale! 

Hale: Yeah, I know, sir! So who DID get left behind on Isla Nublar? 

Soldier: Well, remember. It's a search and rescue. We're here to save Dr. Laura Sorkin. Her partner, David Banks. The Park's veterinarian, Gerry Harding and his two kids, Jessica Harding, Jason Harding, also two unknown people that needs medevac. And a bunch of other kids that were invited to the park.

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