Episode 4: The Survivors part 4

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Jess, Ruby, Dr. Sorkin, Dwayne, Goofy, and Billy run through a door. The hissing of the Troodons are behind them. Both the girls slam the door shut behind them. Everyone takes deep breaths from the running. Billy look down the hall, and spots something. 

Billy: Would ya look at this. 

They come into a room full of four large water tanks filled with water, and fish. 

Jess: What are they?

Laura: They look like feeder tanks. This could be a hatchery. 

Ruby: A hatcher-what?

Laura: They're raising these fish to feed another animal. Like at Marine World. 

Jess: Like the killer whales? 

Laura: Precisely. 

They walk on the platforms. They all look down in the tanks, and see fish swimming inside them. 

Jess: That's a lot of fish. How many whales are they feeding? 

Laura: I don't know. It looks like each of these tanks could feed three or four orcas per day. 

Billy: You're a fish expert now? 

Laura: I can make an educated guess. 

Goofy: (Spots a sign) Look, there's a sign over there. Looks like it's a schedule. 

Laura: This is a hatchery. That's the stocking schedule for the tanks. 

Billy: Something tells me these fish aren't for feeding whales, huh, doc? 

Laura shakes her head in annonyed at him. Dwayne comes to a door. But then, he hears something inside. 

Dwayne: Hold on. I heard something in there. 

Dwayne slowly opens the door, and looks inside. He can't see anything yet. He signals them to wait. He walks in, and leans against a pillar. He looks out, and smiles. 

Dwayne: It's all clear. And look what the cat dragged in. 

They all come in, and to their surprise, Gerry and Nima are in the lobby of the marine exhibit. Jess sees her dad, and smiles.

Jess: Dad! 

She runs to him, and they both hug each other. 

Gerry: Jess, oh thank god! Are you okay? Are you hurt? 

Jess: No, I'm okay. Just...can we go home now?

Laura: I'm so glad you two are safe, Gerry. How did you manage to get here?

Gerry: We climbed out of the tunnels through a service hatch near one of the tour routes. Luckily, someone left the tour program running. Thanks. 

Laura: You mean--

Ruby: Wait! Where's my sister? And the others?

Laura: (To Gerry) They're not with you? 

Gerry: No. We all got separated. I just hope they're okay. And Jason too. 

Just then, they all hear the doors to the lobby opening. They all look, and to their joy, it's the rest of the heroes. Jason and Yang see their sisters.

Jason: Jess!

Yang: Ruby!

They both run to them. They all hug each other. Gerry smiles, seeing that both of his kids are okay. Billy sees Patrick, but doesn't see Sam. 

Billy: Where the heck is Sam?

Patrick: (Sighs) He didn't make it. 

Billy: Why do people keep dying around us? 

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