Blade Master

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"Come on, Izuku! Ignore them. Let's go."

Izuku looked past the people who were bullying him, and spotted the source of the voice.

His friend, the one whose family took him in when his mother died in a villain attack.

Katamina was her name. She picked up a rock and used her quirk on it, switching the rock's position with Izuku.

Katamina Senkiru. 

Quirk: Switch.

She is able to switch the positions of two things once certain prerequisites are met, including herself. She is able to take inanimate objects with her whilst switching, but not living beings.

Bakugo was about to chase them down when Katamina switched his position with a trash can outside the school.

"Come on, let's leave while we can." Katamina grabbed Izuku by the arm and dragged him outside.

"Why do you keep putting on that defenseless façade?" Katamina asked, "You can beat them all in a fight."

Izuku smiled, "I don't need to. It doesn't bother me. So I'm quirkless, so what? I can get into UA without their approval."

Katamina stared at Izuku, then let out a hearty laugh, "You just don't want to hurt him, do you?"

Izuku blushed, "I don't want to hurt people without reason, not just because he's Kacchan."

Katamina kept laughing, it was fun for her to tease Izuku about his admiration for Bakugo, even though the guy was, in her opinion, a complete jerk.

The two kept talking and laughing until they entered a small tunnel, when the manhole grate suddenly popped out of the ground.

Katamina immediately reached into her gym bag and pulled out a sword.

Izuku, on the other hand, slung his backpack across his shoulder and drew a submachine gun.

He checked the magazine and made sure it was filled with concussion bullets, ensuring that he didn't accidentally kill someone.

They stood back to back, if something was in the plumbing, they might pop up anywhere on the street by breaking through the ground.

Katamina saw it first. The sludge... thing.

She instinctively dropped her gym bag, gripping her sword sheathe in her left hand and the hilt with her right, adopting what was commonly known as an Iai stance.

The pile of sludge took one glance at her, and charged, "A medium sized disguise! I'll take it!"

Unbeknownst to the sludge, Izuku was behind Katamina, and he quickly stepped out and peppered the sludge with concussion bullets, bursting into pressurized air wherever they made contact.

The concussion bullets stopped the sludge long enough for Katamina to rush it down, slicing it into pieces, seemingly without even drawing her blade. Such is the ability of the Iai form in swordsmanship.

She didn't let her guard down just yet, though. 

Good thing she didn't, because the sludge recollected itself and attacked her again.

Izuku kept pumping the sludge full of concussion bullets, slowing its movements enough for Katamina to repeatedly slash it into pieces.

Suddenly, a fist flew past Katamina, slamming into the reformed sludge and scattering bits and pieces of it.

"Do not fear, for I am here!"

All Might!

The number one hero, and the renowned symbol of peace.

Was he chasing this villain?

Katamina snapped out of her thoughts when Izuku started panicking.

'Oh, right. All Might fanboy or whatever.' 

She watched in amusement as Izuku fumbled to produce a notebook and pen.

"Please sign this!"

All Might laughed in response, "Of course, young man!"

After signing Izuku's book, All Might picked up the scattered pieces of the sludge villain and shoved them into plastic bottles, and then proceeded to shove said bottles into his pockets.

"Well, I'll be depositing this guy at the police station! Bye!"

Then he disappeared.

Katamina sighed, "Well, I must admit I was surprised you didn't- Huh? Izuku?"

She looked around her. Izuku seemed to have vanished.

Katamina looked over the horizon, and spotted Izuku grabbing All Might's leg, "Seriously, Izuku? You are such a diehard fan."

She waited until it looked like they landed, and Katamina switched places with a small trinket on Izuku's bag that she made him keep to allow her to get to him easier.

And what she witnessed, well, it was very surreal to her.

All Might was deflating, and Izuku was asking for advice about his hero career.

"What do you think I'm best suited for as a hero? I'm quirkless, and I only have support items to fight with, even so, can I still be a great hero like you?"

All Might didn't respond.

Izuku finally looked up, and saw All Might's deflated form.

"H-huh? All Might? You're... No, you're not All Might! You can't be! You're so... frail..." Izuku trailed off, and decided to face reality.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, kid. You know those guys who flex at the pool to make themselves look buff? My hero career is basically like that." All Might said, "I'm no longer in my prime."

He lifted up his loose shirt, revealing a massive crater in his gut, "I suffered this injury five years ago, half of my respiratory organs were destroyed and my stomach had to be surgically removed. Now, I can only work about three hours as a hero."

He looked directly at Izuku, "And as for your question, kid, it may be possible, but in this society, it's so difficult to get the recognition that you might as well give up, but since you have support items, you might be better off than the others I've witnessed."

Izuku smiled, "Thank you, All Might."

"Alright, now I'm going to have to take this guy to the station, and- Wait, where did he go?"

That's when Katamina realized: The sludge villain was free.

Katamina heard an explosion, and immediately saw the smoke coming from a distant area.

"Izuku, come on."

Katamina grabbed Izuku and threw two rocks at the ground, and switched their positions with herself and Izuku.

They quickly ran to the site of the explosion, and witnessed a hostage situation with the same sludge villain.

A/N: Yeah. Katamina is a master of blades whilst Izuku is a master of firearms. What support gear is Izuku talking about? Let's find out together, shall we?

Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter of this new book. If you did, consider voting and following for more. Peace out, everybody. Goodbye.

Timeless_95, signing out.

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