Miracles and Wonders

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Katamina strolled through the cafeteria as she noticed Mineta and Kaminari whispering something to some other girls.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"Allegedly, all the girls in the school are required to cheerlead during the break." Jirou explained what the two boys had told them.

Katamina simply sighed, "They're lying, obviously. Aizawa said no such thing, and we don't have uniforms anyway. Those two likely just want to see you in cheerleading uniform."

Yaoyorozu was about to protest, but Katamina kept going, "And even if it is real, who cares? We don't have uniforms, just make that excuse in the unlikely event that it was actually a requirement, which it's not."

Katamina walked away, and waited until the lunch break was over.


"Alright, the third event is starting up! You all know what it is, so let's begin with the match-ups!" Midnight cracked her whip, grabbing everyone's attention.

Suddenly, a hand rose, accompanied by a familiar voice, "Excuse me, I'd like to withdraw."

Heads turned, people gasped, as all of the attention was on Ojiro, the tailed boy. 

"I'm sorry, but I cannot seem to remember anything that happened in the last event, and I just feel like I don't deserve to be here." He said, "I know that it's a big opportunity for me, but I just can't bring myself to accept it without knowing that I fought to deserve it."

"Come on, Ojiro, you can just show them what you're made of in the Tournament!" Hagakure cheered, but he shook his head.

"This is my pride we're talking about here. It feels like I cheated my way here."

Another hand rose, "On that thought, I'd also like to withdraw."

It was someone from Class 1-B. Katamina couldn't quite remember his name, but she knew his quirk wasn't one to cough at.

Midnight thought about it, "I'll allow it! Oh, the earnestness of young boys just turn me on!"

Katamina slowly inched away from the pro hero, "Don't say that ever again. Please."

Thankfully, Present Mic cut in, "Well, now we'll just have to move two of the next team in line, Team Kendo!"

But Kendo seemed to have other ideas.

She volunteered Tetsutetsu and Ibara, since they were in fourth place until the last minute.


"Now, for the first match, we have Class 1-A's very own Blind Miracle, Katamina Senkiru! She's displayed excellent spatial awareness and quirk usage despite her being blind thus far, let's all cheer her on!"

A cacophony of cheering ensued as Katamina sensed her opponent coming up, "Class 1-C, Hitoshi Shinso! He may look plain right now, but he's not someone to cough at!"

Less cheering.

"Alright, ready? Begin!"

Immediately, Shinso began talking, "So, you're here despite being blind. Must be pretty good to have such talent, huh? You must feel blessed to have a quirk like yours."

Katamina didn't respond. Why would she?

There's no use talking to a dead man.

Katamina threw her knife at Shinso as she sensed him dodge it, but she immediately closed the distance using her quirk. She appeared right next to him, knocking him over, and brought her sword down on Shinso's neck.


"If this were a real fight, your head would no longer be attached to your neck." Katamina said, with her blade dangerously close to Shinso's neck.

Shinso raised his hands in surrender, and Katamina withdrew her blade, "And no, it's not a blessing to have this quirk, since it's the thing that rendered me blind in the first place. The only reason I can fight as well as I can is because I trained. You want a spot in the Hero Course? You gotta try a lot harder."

Katamina extended a hand to Shinso as he grabbed it, "It was a good effort, though. Good idea to try to provoke your opponent into talking, but try not to be too insensitive about it, because it might sometimes cause them to hit you harder. You want to get someone to talk? Just ask them an interesting question."

As she walked away, Shinso just stared. 


Katamina turned around, "Hm?"

"Why are you helping me?

"Do I really need a reason to help others? I am a hero, after all."

Suddenly, her muscles slackened, and she became a captive in her own body.

"Slap yourself."

She did.

"Good one." She smirked, "Do things like that, and you'll be brainwashing people in no time."


"And now, we have Izuku Midoriya, the Quirkless Wonder from Class 1-A, up against the Goddess of Creation, also of Class 1-A, Momo Yaoyorozu!" 

The crowd cheered less for Izuku and more for Yaoyorozu.

"Wow, okay, way to make the bias evident." Izuku muttered, pulling out his pistol.

"Alright, let the fight begin!" Midnight brought down her whip.

Immediately, Izuku and Yaoyorozu burst into action. 

Izuku pulled the charge trigger on his gun and shot concussive bullets at Yaoyorozu, who immediately created a riot shield.

The bullets staggered Yaoyorozu a little, and Izuku quickly shot his grapple into Yaoyorozu's shield, and disarmed her.

"Too slow, Yaoyorozu-san!"

Kicking the riot shield with all his strength, he launched it back at her, grazing her arm and slicing her sleeve open.

But it only worked in Yaoyorozu's favor.

She created a metal rod and quickly closed the distance between herself and Izuku, deflecting every bullet he shoots at her with it.

"It doesn't matter how good your aim is, if I'm in attacking range, it's game over!"

But Izuku simply responded by grappling her torso and pulling her in towards him.

Both contestants prepared an attack towards one another, but Izuku quickly slipped under Yaoyorozu's swing and dropped a small tube on the ground.

From the holes on the tube, flashes of light burst forth, blinding everyone but Izuku, who had already equipped his Flash Visor. 

Yaoyorozu was thrown off balance as she clutched at her eyes. Izuku took advantage of that chance to sweep her legs and point his pistol at her forehead.

"Checkmate." Izuku grinned, "If I were a villain, you'd be dead."

"Yaoyorozu, do you yield?" Midnight asked.

"I forfeit." She grunted, trying to catch her breath.

Izuku put his pistol away, "It was a good effort, Yaoyorozu-san. Next time, work on your reactions and hand-to-hand combat. You don't want to be a hero who can't fight. You'll get taken out by villains whilst rescuing civilians."

"Thank you, Midoriya-kun." Yaoyorozu smiled and walked off, but Izuku couldn't help but notice that there was something else in her eyes besides gratitude.

A/N: Well, that's a thing. I almost forgot about the flashbang, honestly, but hey, like I said, it's reusable, so he'll be using it a lot more.

Anyways, if you enjoyed this chapter, consider voting and following for more. Peace out, everybody. Goodbye.

Timeless_95, signing out.

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