Emergency: Final Exams

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The final exams were rolling around, and no-one was ready.

Well, no-one except for Izuku, Katamina, Yaoyorozu, and a few others.

"Oh no! With all the excitement for the sports festival coming up, I completely forgot to study!" Kaminari complained, grabbing the sides of his head.

Ashido laughed at his misery, despite both of them being at the bottom of the class.

"You two, shut up. If you don't want to fail, you better pick up the pace." Katamina slapped them both across the face, "Jeez, I'm doing better than both of you combined, and I can't even get half the notes in our classes!"

"That's because you know it all already." Izuku mentioned, "That's why you sleep in class."

"How does that disprove my point?"

"... Fair."

Katamina sat down at her desk, "Seriously, keep up, you two."

"Katamina, you don't get any better marks." Izuku said from across the room, "You ought to actually try this time."

Kaminari and Ashido both started ganging up on Katamina after that, "Yeah! You're only 16th in the class!"

"And that's my problem how, exactly? I can't answer the exam questions. In case you've forgotten, I'm blind. I can't answer questions I can't see."

Katamina then flicked both of them on the forehead, "And yet I'm still getting better marks than you two."

Ashido and Kaminari collapsed from the verbal assault.


"Alright. As you all know, the final exams are in a week. In light of the situation, you will get the rest of the week off to study, train, and whatever the hell else you want. And keep in mind: Whoever fails the final exams will not go to our summer training camp. You'll stay here, in Summer School Hell."

Aizawa's annnouncement seemed intimidating enough, but Katamina wasn't worried, rather, she was quite confused, "So what's going to happen to me? I can't exactly take the written exam."

"You'll be in a separate room, with audio file versions of the questions. You will write down the answers on a sheet of paper provided." Aizawa replied, waving her off.

After the announcement, homeroom was dismissed. Immediately, the class dunces started panicking.

"We're screwed!"  Kaminari screamed, "We can't cram everything into this next week!"

Katamina sighed, "Speak for yourself. I'll be fine. You don't have the knowledge. I just couldn't take the exams properly."

She then started playing with her knife, turning it over in her hand, spinning it back and forth, throwing and catching it, "If you do need help, though, don't come to me. I'm too lazy to help you. Try Yaoyaorozu-san. She's top of the class, after all."

Katamina watched in amusement as Kaminari and Ashido both ran to Yaoyorozu to beg for her to tutor them.

Soon after, it was like Yaoyorozu had amassed a party of students. She was clearly very excited to have friends over, even if her ramblings made her friends feel poorer than they actually were. 

"You know, it's like she's flexing her money on us." Kaminari muttered.

"Yeah, but her bounciness is so cute I don't even care." Ashido responded.

Indeed, Yaoyorozu seemed so bouncy from that point onwards that she was radiating positive energy, lifting the mood of everyone within a 10-metre radius almost instantly.


For the next few days, it was as if the entire class was doing something almost every hour of the day.

Kirishima and Bakugo were studying together, much to the blonde's chagrin, but they also trained their quirks against each other when they were taking breaks from studying.

Yaoyorozu hosted a study group at her house with Kaminari, Ashido, Jiro, and Ojiro, making her friends feel yet poorer, but no-one minded.

Katamina and Izuku were still sparring against each other in the basement of their house, neither sparing a single second to study.

The other students all seemed to be doing something productive to train themselves or study. It was nothing short of impressive - the amount of dedication that goes into perfecting themselves, both physically and academically, is astounding to anyone looking from the outside.

And finally, the day of reckoning arrived. 


"WELCOME TO THE PRACTICAL SECTION OF YOUR FINAL EXAMS!" Present Mic screamed. Even without his quirk, he was plenty loud enough. 

Katamina covered her ears almost immediately, "Mic-sensei, please shut up. You're hurting my ears."

Present Mic quietened down, "Sorry. Anyways, welcome, one and all, to the true test: The practical exam! Now, I'm sure some upperclassmen told you that you would be fighting robots today, but due to some... practical concerns brought up by a few of our students..." Mic eyed Izuku carefully, "You will now be sorted into pairs and be fighting against your teachers!"

Almost the entire class glared at Izuku, bar Izuku himself, Katamina, Bakugo, Todoroki, and Tokoyami.

As the UA staff assigned the pairs, Katamina was paired up with Jiro against Present Mic.

Katamina cursed underneath her breath, "You've gotta be kidding me. Why do I have to be against the one teacher who is the most powerful against me?"

"That's probably something they're assessing." Jiro whispered quietly, making sure not to overload Katamina's ears with sound, "Your ability to deal with an opponent stronger than you."

Katamina stared in the general direction of Izuku and Bakugo, "I feel kinda bad for Izuku, though. He's up against All Might. With Bakugo."

"We can't worry about them right now. Do you have a plan to deal with Present Mic?" Jiro asked, bringing Katamina's focus back to their opponent.

"I have an idea that might work, but it's kinda crazy." Katamina admitted, "I was thinking we can use your quirk to cancel out the soundwaves Mic creates, which can give me a chance to locate and run at him. If everything goes well, he should be taking a breath when I attack him, giving him no time to counter attack even if he manages to dodge my initial strike."

"If it fails?" Jiro asked, clearly skeptical of Katamina's plan.

"We improvise. At a range that close to him, no doubt he'd instantly incapacitate me or knock me out. I'll try to distract him with my quirk, but I doubt I'd be able to do much. I'll switch your position with one of my knives if something goes wrong." Katamina said, and was about to continue when Nezu told them that they were up next.

"Well, let's do this." Jiro said as the two of them strolled into the exam arena.

A/N: Sorry I've been dead for a week. I failed to keep up with my schedule.

In my defense, I've been busy with Student Representative Council responsibilities. All those meetings with the high-authority teachers can really take out a chunk of your time.

I wonder if my prefect will spare me if I decide to miss one.

Nah, I can't do that to him.

Well, expect a drop in productivity. Probably one chapter every two weeks. Maybe.

Anyways, if you enjoyed this chapter, consider voting and following for more. Peace out, everybody. Goodbye.

Timeless_95, signing out.

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