Hosu's Nomus

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Katamina stepped into the train. 

"Why're we going to Hosu again?" She asked the Sword Hero, "I thought your dojo was enough training?"

"Nothing much happens in our section of the country. The crime rate is higher in Hosu, so you'll get more practical training." He replied, "And besides, I thought it would be a good idea to get you used to traveling. A hero's work extends far beyond their own city."

Katamina sighed, "Well, I guess I'll be able to see Izuku."

"Your brother's in Hosu?"

"His agency is in Hosu, obviously he would be, too." Katamina's snarky reply made Blade chuckle.

"Well, we're going to support the other heroes as well, since the Hero Killer will be there as well." Blade added, "But take care not to engage him if you find him. The Hero Killer is crafty, and even with your skill in swordsmanship, I doubt you can keep up with him."

Katamina groaned, "So what, I'm just supposed to leave him alone? What if he attacks me?"

"He won't. Not unless you give him a reason to." Blade asserted, "You are not to engage the Hero Killer unless he is targeting someone else."

Suddenly, the train stopped, and Katamina detected an all-too familiar presence.

"A nomu. Another one of them. This one is weaker than the one at the USJ, though." Katamina said, feeding the information to Blade, "Go for the brain. Once that's destroyed, it should die."

Blade nodded, and jumped out of the train, using his spirit swords to impale the nomu by the limbs.

Katamina grabbed her own blade and knives as well, jumping out of the train after her mentor.

After throwing a knife, Katamina swapped with it, landing on the rooftop of a building and, using the tremors in the ground, assessed the carnage down below.

The was fire, a lot of it, and two other nomus, "That's three of them, huh? The League of Villains are definitely behind this." 

There were screams, too, but no-one was dying. Yet.

Katamina jumped off the building, using her knives to quickly get to the ground.

Once she got to the ground, she immediately got to work, slashing apart falling debris that has pinned down some civilians.

"Hey, you're okay now. Can you walk?" She asked as she moved the rubble away from the group of children with who she assumed was their attendant. 

"We're fine. Thank you so much." The attendant bowed.

Katamina nodded, "Good, now get out of here. It's not safe. Follow the other heroes and heed their instructions. We won't let you guys get hurt, don't worry."

The civilians ran off, "Thank you again!"

Katamina didn't respond, as she quickly detected another presence nearby, "Manual-san."

"You knew who I was before even looking at me?"

Katamina laughed, throwing a knife past Manual and nailing a nomu in the chest, "I couldn't see you even if I wanted to. I just recognize your hero suit from the vibrations you made in the air."

The nomu rushed at Katamina, ignoring Manual.

Katamina held her sword with both hands, and using Kendo form, slashed through the nomu's chest, catching her knife afterwards.

The nomu retreated afterwards, but it wasn't dead.

"The League of Villains are behind this!" Katamina yelled, "Where's Iida-kun? Shouldn't he be with you?"

"I don't know! He just disappeared when this attack happened!" Manual responded, "He might've gone after the hero killer!"

"Dammit, Iida-kun, you idiot." Katamina muttered, "Do you know where he went? I'll go after him."

Manual shook his head, "No. One moment, he was here, the next moment, he was gone."

Katamina cursed, "Well, I'll find him one way or another. Thanks for the information, Manual-san."


She found him. And as expected, he was with the hero killer.

The Hero Killer was standing over Iida, with another hero lying motionless at the side.

"Now, prepare to die, you fake." Stain growled, stabbing his blade downwards at Iida's back.

Katamina threw a knife and knocked the blade aside, "Not so fast, Stain."

The hero killer stared at her, "Well, well, well. Another wannabe hero is here. Are you also a fake like them?"

Katamina shrugged, walking in front of Iida, "I dunno, I guess that's for you to judge. I don't know your standards. Though I'd like to say I'm a genuine hero, unlike people like Endeavor, who is only in it to beat All Might."

As Katamina talked, she detected another presence. Izuku.

"I have no interest in killing kids. Leave before I make you leave." Stain asserted, pointing his sword at Katamina's neck.

"I think not. I leave, these two die. If I have to force you to stab me in order to get you arrested, I will."

"Senkiru-san, get out of here! There's no need for you to be here!" Iida yelled, "This is between me and him!"

"So you want me to leave you to die? I'd rather not." Katamina shot back, "I'm a hero, and if I can save a life, I will, no matter what."

Stain grinned maniacally, "Well, it seems like you're a true hero. If you insist on getting in my way, I'll have no choice but to cut you down. Such a shame, too."

Katamina raised her sword, knocking Stain's blade away from her neck.

"Izuku, now!"

A gunshot from Izuku's rifle was followed by Stain tensing up and ripping an electric dart from his arm.

Katamina took that chance to rush in, sword poised to strike, but before Stain could guard against her sword, she disappeared.

Katamina had warped behind him, and struck him with the flat of her blade.

Stain reacted quickly, despite the immense pain that was going through his system due to the blade striking a pressure point in his neck, he was able to dodge Katamina's next few blows.

"Tch, what the hell are you? You're the first one who didn't immediately collapse from that strike." Katamina muttered, "Goddammit, I'm gonna be so sleep-deprived for the next few days."

Stain didn't say anything. He drew a small razor knife and kept his gaze on Katamina.

A/N: So. Stain is apparently strong enough to shake off a blow to the cervical nerve.

This was supposed to be released a few days ago, but my dumbass left it here to sit for a while.

I'm tired, so I'm probably going to sleep for the next hour or so.

Anyways, if you enjoyed this chapter, consider voting and following for more. Peace out, everybody. Goodbye.

Timeless_95, signing out.

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