Principal's Pupil

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Izuku closed the door as he entered the relatively small office.

"Principal Nezu, you wanted to see me?"

Said animal looked up from his desk and smiled at Izuku.

"Midoriya, come in, have you met Bakugo?"

Izuku looked around the room and found that, indeed, Bakugo was also in the room.

"Yes, sir." Izuku said, bowing down.

"We keep meeting..." Both Izuku and Bakugo muttered underneath their breaths.

Nezu nodded, "Glad to see the two of you are well acquainted, I called the both of you here because your performances in the Entrance Exam were exceptional."

Nezu turned to Bakugo, "I have some advice that may help you win your battles easier: Don't just rely on pure destructive strength, sometimes the best way to defeat an opponent is through a battle of brains, not a battle of brawn."

Bakugo looked away, "Tch."

"Strong firepower cannot accomplish anything if it doesn't connect with your opponent. Think, analyze, predict. So much more can be accomplished if you analyze the situation first before charging in, forgive my bluntness, like a battle-crazed maniac." Nezu finished.

Bakugo was seething at this point, and would've attacked Principal Nezu had Izuku not shot him with a paralysis dart.

"Please don't attack the principal." Izuku said.

The paralysis wore off after a few seconds, but that was all Bakugo needed to calm himself down.

Principal Nezu stared at Bakugo, "Bakugo?"


"Close the door on your way out."

He turned around and slammed the door.

Principal Nezu then turned to Izuku, "Now, the reason I called you here is slightly different. For one, I only intended to give Bakugo some advice. However, in the entrance exams, you displayed an abnormally high level of intelligence. Therefore, I'd like to challenge you to a game of chess."

Izuku just stared at Principal Nezu, "I don't intend to be offensive, Principal Nezu, but I find it hard to believe that you called me here to play a simple game of Chess."

Principal Nezu chuckled, "None taken, I understand that some people may find my methods... unorthodox. Now come, play with me."

Nezu gestured to the chess board next to him.


Izuku moved his rook to the kill square. "Checkmate."

Nezu laughed, "I've never met anyone who's ever beaten me in Chess before! Congratulations, Midoriya. You have exceeded my expectations."

Izuku nodded, "You were quite a challenge, Principal Nezu. I had to plan further ahead than I ever had to against regular opponents. Although, with your intelligence, I believe you may have been going easy on me."

Principal Nezu chuckled warmly, "No, I was playing my hardest. Very perceptive of you, to be able to gauge my intelligence. Was it through the entrance exam?"

Izuku wordlessly nodded.

"Well, I've seen everything I need to. Midoriya, how would you like to be my personal pupil?"


Katamina was halfway through slicing up self-repairing dummies that Izuku had made when, speak of the devil, Izuku rushed down the stairs of the basement and grabbed his blueprints, notebooks, and clipboards.

"Jesus Christ, what's the hurry?" She asked a frantic Izuku, "What happened with Nezu?"

"Nothing bad, don't worry, I just need to grab some things." Izuku answered without even sparing a glance at Katamina, "Okay, let's see, my blueprints are all here, my notebooks too. Everything is on my clipboards, and my database is up to date, good."

"Izuku, what is going on? Why are you so frantic? Why are you bringing all of your designs to god knows where?" Katamina firmly stepped in front of Izuku, stopping him in his tracks.

Izuku quickly packed everything into his bag as he briefly paused in front of Katamina, "Nezu wants to take a look at my blueprints and designs."

It was all he said before he rushed back out.

Katamina stared at the stairs for a while before sighing, "That nerd."

She sheathed her sword and followed Izuku, or, at least, she tried to.

Sometimes he can disappear faster than she can with her quirk.

"How the hell does he do that?" She muttered, "Does he some technology that I don't know about?"

Katamina closed her eyes and activated her quirk.


"-and so by using this design here, you can increase the effectiveness of this spring-lock mechanism, allowing increased force and velocity."

When her vision cleared from switching from such a long range, she saw Izuku and Nezu sat at his desk, looking through some of Izuku's blueprints and designs.

Surprising to none, neither of them had detected that Katamina was in the room.

Nezu chuckled, "So that's how you do it."

Izuku then quickly drew a quick sketch and showed it to Nezu. If one can consider a deeply detailed design with annotations and explanations as a 'quick' sketch.

"With this type of design for the security gates, even if a villain had a highly destructive quirk, for example, liquification, they would not be able to destroy the entire gate at once. I suggest you also employ this design for the walls as well in order to prevent any break-ins."

Katamina decided then was the perfect moment to make her presence known.

"What are you doing?"

Izuku turned and smiled, "I'm just showing Nezu some ideas I have to improve the school's security system. Don't worry about it too much, Katamina."

Then he doubled back, "Wait, Katamina? When and how did you get here?"

Katamina's eyes drooped as she stared at Izuku with a face that can only be described with one question: "What the fuck do you think?"

She pointed at Izuku's bag, then herself, and then made a switching motion with her hands.

"Oh, right. Your quirk. Can you get out now? You're not supposed to be here, you know?"

Katamina scoffed, "Well, maybe if you actually stopped and gave me an in-depth explanation, it wouldn't have come to this!"

Izuku sighed, "Just go home."

"Can't. You know what repetitive long-range switches does to me."

Izuku paused, then sighed, "Of course, blurriness and loss of vision. Stay for a while, then, I guess."

A/N: Side effect for Katamina's quirk revealed! Switching long distances requires her to close her eyes and concentrate, resulting in temporary blurry vision after the switch. The more she does this in a day, the longer the blurry vision remains each time, in fact, she can't switch long distances more than once every two hours! Overuse can cause temporary loss of vision.

Anyways, that's that. If you enjoyed this story, consider voting and following for more. Peace out, everybody. Goodbye.

Timeless_95, signing out.

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