Villain Attack!

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The Unforeseen Simulation Joint, commonly known as the USJ, is a training facility that aspiring heroes can use for natural disaster rescue simulations.

Class 1-A is already there, having been told the news only that morning by Eraser Head.

There, they met Thirteen, the space hero. Thirteen was a petite woman in what looks like a space suit.

"Remember, when uncontrolled, quirks can be used to severely harm or kill innocents, like my own, and I'm sure many of your quirks can easily be lethal as well. This is why we practice quirk control here in the USJ."

But before anyone could say anything further, a purple mist appeared in the plaza.

"Whoa, cool! They even have fake villains he- ow!" Katamina had just elbowed Kirishima.

"You idiot, those are real villains! I recognize a couple of their faces. They're just small-time villains, thank god for that, but they're villains nonetheless."

Izuku had already pulled out his sniper rifle.

"Izuku, no live ammo."

He nodded, loading his rifle with tranquillizer darts.

Aizawa jumped into the horde of villains, "Thirteen, protect the kids!"

Katamina sighed, and left a switching beacon on the ground, "Goddammit, I hate it when my schedule is interrupted, more work and less sleep for me."

Katamina jumped down with Aizawa, proceeding to knock out every villain that attempted to attack her. 

Thirteen tried and failed to stop her, and Izuku remained in his prone position, firing at any villain who was able to sneak up on Aizawa and Katamina in the mess.

Suddenly, the purple mist materialized into a humanoid figure in front of Thirteen and the rest of Class 1-A.

He (At least, his voice sounded masculine) introduced himself as Kurogiri, and... apologized, for some reason. It was almost as if he didn't want any part in the attack. Either that or he was just overly polite. Probably the latter.

Izuku reacted almost immediately, firing a tranquillizer bullet at Kurogiri, which passed through harmlessly.

Then, Bakugo charged in, palms ablaze, as if his quirk was actually fire and not explosion. 

A few explosions later, Kurogiri was still standing, "That was close, but no. Goodbye, Class 1-A."

The mist overtook everything, blocking out vision for everyone until Thirteen summoned her black hole.

Izuku reacted first, turning around and drawing his sidearm, firing at the closed doors and blasting a hole through it, "Iida-kun! Alert the teachers! You're the fastest of us all aside from Katamina!"

"I can't abandon you all like this!"

"You're not abandoning shit! You're finding reinforcements!" Izuku snapped, "We can hold our own, have some faith in us! We're not helpless children like we were when we were young!"

Iida hesitated, but Izuku yelled even louder, "Go!"

By that point, Thirteen had become injured holding off Kurogiri.

Iida nodded, and finally ran off.

Kurogiri attempted to follow him, but Izuku pumped his metal collar full of concussion bullets, effectively holding him down until Iida was able to escape from the hole in the doors.

The mist overtook everything once again, and everyone was thrown into different zones in the USJ.


Izuku quickly took in his surroundings after he was warped, and quickly flicked his wrist, firing off a grappling hook and attaching it to the boat in the flood zone.

He was able to stabilize someone else as well, being Mineta, the midget who tried to grope Katamina before.

Izuku narrowed his eyes at Mineta, taking in what he knew of the boy and what his quirk can do.

Suddenly, a frog landed next to them. Yep, she was a literal frog.

Asui, or Tsu, as she wanted them to call her, reported what she found underneath the water.

Izuku squatted down and put together a plan, his brain speeding faster than Iida could run.

"Alright, I have a few concussion bullets that can create a whirlpool in the water, Mineta, can you throw your... uh... hair... into the water and stick them all together?" Mineta looked up from his panic attack and nodded, then Izuku turned to Asui, "Asu- Tsu, can you grab Mineta and carry him to the edge of the flood zone?"

She nodded, and Izuku smirked, "Alright, let's go."

Izuku took aim and fired a concussion bullet into the water, "Tsu!"

She nodded, "On it, kero!"

Mineta screamed as he threw his purple balls into the water, his scalp slightly bleeding as he did so.

Izuku jumped off the side of the boat and shot his grapple in front of Asui, who grabbed it with her tongue and carried him over the water as the villains clumped together and became stuck.

"Good, now the hard part: Dealing with that monstrosity." Izuku pointed at the black monster, which looked like a man-bird with its brain exposed.


Katamina was managing to bust through the villains quite easily.

She didn't draw her sword. Why would she need to? These villains didn't have any weapons.

Suddenly, her focus was broken by the blue-haired villain charging at her.

This one was able to avoid her strikes better than most of the other villains, and even when Katamina blitzed around him with her knives, he was still able to keep up with her movement. 

"Checkmate." He laughed as he grabbed Katamina by the arm.

Katamina's eyes widened as her skin began crumbling away.

But her face of surprise was instantly replaced with a smirk, "Gotcha."

She switched with one of the hands on his arm and brought her scabbard down on his neck.

"Nomu." Was all he said.

Before she knew it, the monster had appeared in front of her with a boom.

She looked up at it, and then realized that her scabbard was cracking.

She sighed, "Great, now I need a new sheath."

She pulled her sword out of her crumbling scabbard and swung it at what she assumed was Nomu.

Her sword effortlessly slashed through the monster, but it regenerated before she could do anything else.

"Oh, goddammit, I'm gonna have to deal with this motherfucker now, aren't I?" Katamina grumbled as she left Aizawa's side and attacked the monster.

A/N: Yep, Katamina is taking on the Nomu head-on. Anyone paid attention to Katamina's quirk? If so, then you should see this next chapter coming. If not... Still expect something to happen.

Anyways, if you enjoyed this chapter, consider voting and following for more. Peace out, everybody. Goodbye.

Timeless_95, signing out.

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