Deadeye Duo

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Izuku walked up to Snipe's... farm? Mansion? He really didn't know what it was meant to be.

He opened the gate, and walked in hesitantly, "Hello?"

He was greeted with silence. No-one was there.

Suddenly, the floorboards creaked, and Izuku immediately deployed one of his bubble shields.

Just in time for an entire squadrons of gunslingers to pop out of the walls, the floor, and even the roof to shoot at him.

The bullets bounced off the bubble shield, and Izuku quickly returned fire with his pistol, swiftly and accurately shooting the guns out of every shooter's hands without harming any of them.

Izuku heard clapping, and he immediately turned and took aim, but relaxed once he saw it was Snipe.

"Good work, boy. You really are a sharpshooter." Snipe said, "Introduce yourself. What do you go by?"

Izuku raised an eyebrow, "Izuku Midoriya. Hero name: Deadshot. I'm a UA student here for internships."

Snipe nodded, apparently satisfied with his answer, "Alright. Anything you want to achieve in particular in the week that we're here?"

Izuku shook his head, "I'm here to become a better hero, and I thought you may be able to give me some tips, since you have a similar skillset to me."

Snipe laughed, "Well, you came to the right agency!"

Izuku then looked around, "Why is your agency a farm?"

"To fit the theme, kiddo! Don't worry, it's not actually a farm. That's just the exterior and the entrance here." Snipe led Izuku further into the building, followed by what Izuku assumed were Snipe's sidekicks. 

As promised, Snipe's agency slowly transitioned from a farm to a high-tech hideout.

There were target ranges with various weapons and ammunition, ranging from sniper rifles to shotguns.

Izuku marveled at the intricacy of the building's layout, but his concentration was shot by Snipe, "Now, kiddo, tell me about yourself. Your gear, your weapons, your skills, everything."

Izuku nodded, showing Snipe his bundle of weapons and gear, explaining every bullet type and utility gadgets.

"My gear was all designed by myself, with some help from my sister. I have, currently, a sonic grenade with earplugs to incapacitate villains, a reusable flashbang and a flash visor for hostage situations, a grapple for scaling buildings and mobility during combat, my bubble shield for protecting civilians and my various bullets."

Izuku laid out the six bullet types that he designed on the table.

"First, there's the live ammo, not much explanation necessary, except that I almost never use these." Izuku said, gesturing to the shells and bullets, "Then, I have my concussion bullets, which are made out of rubber, but pop on contact, throwing anyone struck by it off balance."

Izuku demonstrated the bullet's effects on a nearby training dummy. No holes were put into it, but there was a decent dent in the soft fabric.

"My less painful bullets include my tranquilizer darts, which are essentially silent, though the bullet travel time tends to mess up my timing a bit," Izuku admitted, "I also have tesla darts, which you saw during the sports festival. They are darts made out of conductive metals that unleash an electric shock to anyone nearby moments after contact."

Izuku then loaded another bullet into his sniper rifle, "I have two more special ammunition. One of them produces a bubble shield on contact, basically my bubble shield compacted into a bullet." He fired it at the training dummy, making a bubble shield similar to the one he used against Snipe's sidekicks earlier that day, "My final bullet, I consider my ace-in-the-hole. I don't have many of these, and I currently lack the materials to make more, so I'm not going to demonstrate the bullet, but here's what it does."

Izuku produced a notebook, "Imagine you were a villain holding a citizen hostage." He drew a diagram of the scene he described, "I would be able to shoot you with this bullet and essentially hijack your nervous system. You wouldn't be able to move a muscle, you wouldn't even be able to speak. I'd be able to make you surrender to the police without any harm to the citizens with nothing more than a few button presses."

He drew a diagram of the nervous system and the bullet with the neurotoxin, then he produced a remote and showed it to Snipe.

Snipe nodded thoughtfully, "You realize if I had been a villain impersonating Snipe, you would've essentially shown your hand, right?"

Izuku shrugged, "I see no problem with that. Even if a villain found out about my gear, there's no way to prepare for it."

Snipe chuckled lightly, then drew his gun, "Well then, show me."

Izuku sighed, "When and where?"

"Training range, right now. No live rounds. I'll be using rubber pellets." Snipe said, leading Izuku to said training range.


Izuku shouldered his sniper rifle, readying his pistol.

Snipe was standing a hundred metres away.

"Come on, then, let's start!" He announced, then immediately shot at Izuku.

Izuku didn't flinch, he quickly deployed his bubble shield and grabbed his sniper rifle, loading it with ammunition.

Izuku took aim, and just as the bubble shield went down, and Snipe was reloading, he shot.

Snipe quickly jumped, avoiding a concussion bullet, which burst open on the wall behind him.

Snipe returned fire with his pistol, and Izuku redeployed his bubble shield.

The seemingly endless back and forth continued for a while, but Izuku quickly outpaced Snipe when he had to reload. He switched his ammunition, making sure Snipe saw it.

This time, Izuku aimed at the ground.

Snipe seemed to expect him to be using his tesla darts, but Izuku had other plans.

The bullet exploded into pure air pressure, knocking Snipe down and winding him.

Izuku took this chance to rush him, whipping out his pistol and taking aim at Snipe's forehead before he could get back up.

Snipe simply chuckled, "Good job, kiddo. Actually, no. Deadshot."

Snipe got back up and shook Izuku's hand, "Don't let it get to your head, o' course. I wasn't even using my quirk. Keep training, Deadshot. You've got a bright future ahead of ya."

Izuku beamed, finally, he earned the gunslinger hero's respect. 

"Of course, Snipe-Sensei!"

A laugh, "Don't call me that, it makes me feel old."

A/N: Welp, shit. I don't know if I portrayed Snipe's character as well as I could've, but hey, it's a start.

Anyways, if you enjoyed this chapter, consider voting and following for more. Peace out, everybody. Goodbye.

Timeless_95, signing out.

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