Sleepy Swordsman

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It's been ten months since the Sludge Villain Incident. Izuku and Katamina have been working on their own skills and some equipment as well.

They were aiming for UA. Of course they were, they wanted to be a part of force that is keeping the peace in the world.


Katamina and Izuku strode up to the gates of UA.

"Izuku, you ready?" Katamina asked, her eyes already drooping, "Come on, let's get this over with so I can sleep."

Izuku chuckled, "Yeah, of course. You have your equipment?"

Katamina nodded tiredly, yawning in the process. 

"Wow, someone didn't sleep well last night." Izuku commented, "You better not have stayed up late training, because if you did, I will kill you."

Izuku stared into Katamina's eyes with the same blank, dead look on his face, his eyes shrouded in shadow.

Katamina shivered, "No, I actually went to sleep. Or I at least tried to."

Izuku drove all the shadows away from his face with a bright smile, "Good! Now come on!"

He bounced to the auditorium for the entrance exams.

Katamina shivered even more intensely, "Oh my god, how does he manage these mood swings?"


In the auditorium, Katamina and Izuku found Present Mic doing a presentation and explanation of the Entrance Exams. Whilst Izuku listened attentively, Katamina took one look at the sheet of paper in front of her and immediately fell asleep.

Such an action did not go unnoticed by a certain student in one of the forward rows.

As Present Mic was speaking about the obstacles in the practical exam, a blue-haired student stood up and raised his hand. 

"Yes, examinee 1999?" Present Mic noticed his hand and immediately went to listen to his question.

"On the sheet you gave us, it states that there are four faux villains instead of three! If this is a typo, then UA should be ashamed of making such a petty mistake!" He announced, and suddenly turned around, "And you! Sleeping in the back seats there! If you're not going to take this exam seriously, then you should just leave!"

The sound of his voice caused Katamina to stir, "Bold of you to assume that your shouts would've even woken me up in the first place. Then again, you are similar to Present Mic in the sense that you're both loud. The difference is, he's not annoying. If you knew that the sheet of paper would've given you the information you needed, then why would you bother sitting through the presentation in the first place?" She asked, tossing a throwing knife at the desk in front of him with pinpoint accuracy and using her quirk to switch places with it.

She squatted down on the desk as she stared him in the eyes, "A hero doesn't wait for information to be given to them, they seek it out themselves. That said, I can't actually get to the practical exams without taking the written test first, so I can't leave early. Ergo, me sleeping through this presentation is not me slacking off, but me preparing to stay awake in the tests ahead."

She returned to her seat and used a support item to call the throwing knife back to her hand.

"Also, you might want to let Mic finish the presentation before running your mouth off? He might answer your question." She retorted, then promptly fell back asleep.

Mic cleared his throat, "Ahem, well, that was a very good find by examinee 1999 as well as good intuition by examinee 3418. The fourth faux villain is..."


Katamina strolled up to the gates of city B alongside Izuku.

"Well, we were lucky to be in the same area." Katamina took a deep breath, "Let's do our best."

Izuku nodded, "Yeah."

Present Mic's voice suddenly cut through all chatter, "Alright, the practical exam starts now!"

The doors creaked open, and everyone tensed.

Not Katamina or Izuku. The two of them charged straight in, both of them drawing their weapons and immediately got to work, despite the yells of other students.

"No cheating there! There's no countdown to a real fight! Go, go, go!" Mic howled in laughter.

Katamina shut everything out of her mind, and focused on the robots in front of her. 

She didn't even bother drawing her sword. She just swung it around in the sheathe with so much force that anything that was unlucky enough to be hit by it was instantly shattered, but Katamina took extra care in making sure she didn't cause any collateral damage. A hero should not do anything that puts any civilians nearby at risk, after all.

Izuku, on the other hand, swung from building to building on a retractable hook, sniping from the rooftops and destroying any many robots that appear within his line of sight.

Everyone in the arena was doing quite well, but that was only until the 0-pointer arrived.

Izuku and Katamina took one look at the giant robot ahead of them, and took its looming size as a challenge.

No matter how powerful, a villain cannot be allowed to wreak havoc.

This bot left Katamina no choice. She had to draw her sword for this one.

Ever since the sludge incident, Katamina had put her sword away, and had only used the sheathe to attack. It was too dangerous, one misstep could get someone killed.

But no amount of blunt force could possibly take this thing down.

Katamina was about to use a special move that she had recently developed, but then she heard a groan of pain.


Turning around, Katamina threw a throwing knife at a building far away from the robot, and tended to the trapped girl.

Using her quirk, Katamina was able to switch the girl and her throwing knife, freeing her from the rubble and getting her out of harm's way.

"Tch." Katamina grabbed four knives in each hand and threw them in a grid around the head of the 0-pointer.

"Ultimate Attack: Scattered Windblade."

Switching her position with the throwing knives multiple times in succession, slicing at the bot's head with her Windblade form after each switch, she was able to put it out of commission.

The 0-pointer's head was completely deformed, and Katamina dropped onto it as she recalled her throwing knives.

But when the bot fell, it fell towards the other examinees.

A/N: Well shit. Katamina basically transformed into Keqing from Genshin Impact.

Except for the fact that she's not slashing across the enemy, but throwing sharp wind projectiles at it.

Meh, same difference.

Sorry I took so long to get this chapter out. I've been very busy.

Anyways, if you enjoyed this chapter, consider voting and following for more. Peace out, everybody. Goodbye.

Timeless_95, signing out.

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