Quirky Classmates

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Izuku and Katamina arrived at UA about ten minutes before class.

"Class 1-A, ah, here it is." Katamina muttered, "Coming in."

Izuku followed close behind her, and as the two of them spotted a certain explosive that is prone to sudden detonation, they both sighed.

"Of course he's here." Katamina snarked, "He's a ragebomb of a warrior, of course he would be accepted into the Hero Course."

The ragebomb in question was currently mocking the tall student with glasses. The same one who called out Katamina during the entrance exams.

He noticed them and marched over, "Greetings, fellow students! My name is-"

Katamina cut him off with a wave of her hand, "Yes, yes, we heard, Tenya Iida. Are you going to keep picking on me for sleeping? Because I assure you, it's going to happen a lot during classes."

Before Iida was able to respond, an explosion flew past him, straight at Izuku.

It happened in a flash, but before Iida could even react to the explosion, he could see that it was stopped by none other than the sword-wielding girl.

Her blade glowed red as she redirected the explosion out of an open window.

"Katsuki Bakugo, are you fucking kidding me? You would throw an explosion at someone without any qualms?!" The girl sheathed her sword, "You're lucky that I don't draw my sword to hurt people anymore, because if I did, you'd have a thousand cuts and be bleeding to death before I even uttered a word."

Needless to say, Iida had a huge rant at both of them for their behavior, but once he was done, he calmed down and turned back to Izuku and Katamina, "I would also like to apologize for calling you out in the Entrance Exams, the both of you disregarded the fact that it was an exam and still helped other examinees, showing the true qualities of a hero! I hate to admit this, but I must: You both are superior students than I!"

Izuku raised a hand, "N-no, we're not!" He laughed sheepishly, "There's no such thing as being a superior student to somebody else when school hasn't even started yet. If I'm superior to you because I took actions no-one else took, then you are superior to me because you have a quirk!"

Katamina immediately groaned after hearing Izuku say that, "You're really gonna reveal that to everyone right off the bat?"

He shrugged, "I mean, they need to know. They're my classmates, after all."

Iida was about to say something, but decided not to when Katamina grabbed Izuku by the shoulders, "Izuku, this isn't your ideal world! This is real life! Just because this is a hero school doesn't mean people don't discriminate quirks! I'm not having a repeat of middle school!"

"All of you, shut up."

A voice suddenly interrupted everyone's trains of thought. It came from seemingly underneath Izuku's feet.

Katamina looked down, "Hello, Sensei, please get out of your sleeping bag. I know it's really tempting to sleep during the day, but you have a class to teach."

"Yeah, you're right."

The teacher stood up and unzipped his sleeping bag, "Alright, all of you, sit down. Class has started."

He walked to the front of the classroom and stood behind the lectern, "Alright, my name is Mr Aizawa, now get on the field. Take these gym uniforms and get changed, we're doing a quick assessment."

Suddenly, a girl who Katamina recognized as the one she had rescued in the Entrance exam raised her hand, "But sir! What about orientation?"

"The beauty of UA is that it allows teachers to teach however they want, as pro heroes, you don't have time to waste on formalities like an assembly." Came the annoyed reply, "Now hurry up, we don't have all day."

Katamina quickly used her quirk to switch the gym uniform with her school uniform and followed as Aizawa walked out.

"You're changed already? At least someone understands efficiency." He grunted.

"Well, someone has to set an example. Also, this assessment you spoke about, is it, by chance, a quirk assessment?" Katamina asked, "It's written all over your face."

"Huh, and I thought I hid it quite well. Yeah, it is. Is there a problem?"

Katamina sighed, "Not with me, no, but Izuku is quirkless, will he still be doing it?"

Aizawa quirked an eyebrow, "Quirkless, huh? I suppose I'll give him a pass this time. Just him being here is impressive enough, although I won't stop him if he still wants to do it."


It was time. The Quirk Apprehension Test.

"You with the sword, you got the most points in the entrance exam, what was your furthest baseball throw in middle school?" Aizawa asked, eyes piercing into Katamina's soul.

"About 80 meters, can't remember the exact number, though."

"Do it again, but with your quirk. You can do whatever you want, just stay in the circle."

Katamina smirked, and she drew a few knives from her leg pouch.

Throwing them directly upwards, she switched her position with the knives repeatedly until she was higher than the top of the school building. Then she threw a knife into the distance as hard as she could, and switched with the knife that was on the ground.

After waiting for a moment, Katamina switched the baseball with the throwing knife, and Aizawa checked his phone, grinning like a madman, "There we go, you gotta know your limits."

He turned his phone around, allowing the rest of the class a glimpse of the number: 2493.82m

"Oh, so it's like a sports carnival! Sounds fun!"

Immediately, Aizawa's smile faded, but before he could say anything, Katamina raised her hand, "Allow me, sensei."

She walked towards the pink girl who said that, "Listen here, buddy, there's nothing 'fun' about being a hero, you're constantly under pressure that a civilian may be in danger, you will witness death and destruction. You're not all-powerful like the movies you see. Heroes can and will die by a villain's hand eventually. This is real life, and if you're not prepared to face the absolute shithole in which we live, you can go die to a villain, because that will inevitably happen if you get your hero license."

She turned around and folded her arms across her chest, "You want fun? You came to the wrong place. Anyone who thinks that hero work is fun can leave, because you will not survive."

She looked at the other students and gauged their reactions. Most of them were shocked, some didn't care, and a particular few were scared.

"You really think you can be a hero and have 'fun' in your hero work? Grow up. This isn't your ideal world."

A stunned silence ensued, followed by a slow clap, "Well said, Senkiru. By the way, you're gonna want to take this seriously, because if you come in last place in all of these tests... You're out."

A/N: Sheesh, Katamina can seriously sock you in the face with her words. Hopefully that can be the wake-up call that everyone needed. Probably not, though. 

Anyways, if you enjoyed this chapter, consider voting and following for more. Peace out, everybody. Goodbye.

Timeless_95, signing out.

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