Marksman vs Warrior

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Iida, who was incredibly in character, took the taunt personally and rushed Katamina, but before he could make physical contact with her, a shot from Izuku struck Katamina in the neck.

A tranquilizer dart. Katamina quickly pulled it out before the sedative was injected into her system, and detached her sword sheath from her waist, swinging the sheathed blade at Iida, who quickly zipped behind her.

Katamina leapt into the air, avoiding Iida's kick, her feet making contact with the ceiling, and bounced off, slamming into Iida's side and switching his body with the throwing knife that she hurled outside.

"Uraraka-san! Get the bomb, I'll keep my brother distracted." Katamina quickly sliced a hole in the wall where the shot came from, and met her brother face-to-face, sword against gun, brawn against brain, sister against brother.

Izuku narrowed his eyes at Katamina, slinging his marksman rifle over his shoulder and drew the pistol at his side.

Katamina and Izuku eyed each other, but Izuku's gaze flickered to Uraraka, who was sprinting at the bomb, and then to the door.

Iida had re-entered the building and tackled Uraraka to the ground.

"Uraraka, I hope you know how to handle Iida, because I'm going to be busy with Izuku." Was all Katamina said before dashing towards Izuku.

The fight began with many gunshots from Izuku's pistol, making contact with the wall behind Katamina and exploding in bursts of air.

Katamina sheathed her sword and drew her throwing knives, throwing them at Izuku, forcing him to drop and roll away.

But when Izuku looked back up, Katamina was gone.

Almost immediately, he concluded that she had switched with one of the knives behind him. He grabbed the marksman rifle on his shoulder, pointing the muzzle to a spot behind him and pulling the trigger.

All while the gun was still mounted on his shoulder.

The metallic clang behind him suggested that Katamina either dodged or he missed.

Izuku then turned around and aimed his pistol, but Katamina wasn't there at all.

He was confused for a moment, where could Katamina have gone?

He looked around, but he couldn't locate Katamina.

"Below." Was all he heard before the ground beneath him gave out, dropping him down to the bottom floor.

Katamina had used her windblade form to weaken the floor underneath him, and was waiting for him on the ground.

Two polar opposites, an unenthusiastic yet loudmouthed warrior who moves on the fly and an energetic yet soft-spoken marksman who plans before moving. 

Their attitudes contradict their fighting styles, so no-one in the spectator area were able to predict how they would move.

As Izuku fell, he closed his eyes, calculating the amount of time he has before he needs to move.

4 seconds.


His mind sped at a thousand miles an hour to calculate the possible actions that he could take.


He then ran mental simulations of each option he has.


He found the optimal action that would increase his chances of victory.


He was ready to act.

Izuku dropped his pistol and flicked his wrist, shooting a grappling cord that latched to a piece of rebar on the second floor.

His actions seemed to surprise Katamina, but she recovered almost immediately, slashing at the cord with her windblade form, but to no avail. Izuku had requested that the grapple was made out of an almost unbreakable material. It had to be, otherwise it would never have been able to handle his weight and his gear.

Izuku kicked her in the chest, detaching his grapple and pointing a pistol to her forehead.

He pulled the trigger just as Katamina activated her quirk, replacing her own body with her sword, which had skittered a few feet away when Izuku kicked her.

"Try as you might, Izuku, but you can't keep me down for long. I'll just keep evading your grasp until I defeat you." Katamina chuckled, "But time is just about up, so I'll be taking the bomb now."

Katamina then abruptly disappeared, a throwing knife appearing in her place and clattering to the ground.

"Frick." Izuku muttered, almost immediately after he cursed, All Might announced the end of the battle exercise.

As the four students returned from the field, All Might turned to the spectating students, "Now, who do you think was the MVP in that round?"

A girl with a black ponytail stepped forwards, "Midoriya was the MVP, not only did set up a trap for the hero side by using Iida as bait, he also created an in-depth plan based on what he knew of the other students. Senkiru also did this, but her planning was lacking in comparison as she only created one facet of a plan, and when the plan failed, she immediately started acting on instinct rather than logic, leaving Uraraka to fend for herself as she engaged Midoriya in one-on-one combat. Iida fought well, but he should've been more cautious of Senkiru's quirk, as it was very easy for her to send him outside the building, temporarily putting him out of commission. Uraraka, on the other hand, was a great follower and her reactions were quite fast, but she never acted by herself until Iida returned to the fight."

All Might gave her a thumbs up, "Well put, Young Yaoyorozu, you said what I wanted to say and more! Now, whether it was a win or a loss for you, I trust that you will take this opportunity to reflect on the mistakes and shortcomings that you discovered during this exercise, PLUS ULTRA! Now, onto the next pair..." 

A/N: There we go, when a warrior is up against a marksman in close quarters combat, the warrior usually wins. Obviously, I'm not going to make Katamina cracked, because that kinda defeats the purpose of quirk drawbacks. I have some plans for her, though (which is a first), and you guys may not necessarily like it.

Anyways, if you enjoyed this chapter, consider voting and following for more. Peace out, everybody. Goodbye.

Timeless_95, signing out.

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