Loud Sounds Inbound

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"This is gonna make me go deaf." Katamina spun one of her throwing knives in one hand as she gripped her sword's scabbard in the other. 

"You're not the only one." Jiro agreed, "The quicker we finish this, the better."

The pair waited with bated breath as the intercom buzzed, announcing the beginning of the exam.

Katamina felt the sound before she heard it. It shook the ground as Present Mic's loud yell bellowed through the trees, rustling leaves and tearing up the soil. Almost immediately, Katamina threw a knife towards the side before switching with it, just before Jiro plugged her earphone jacks into her boots, amplifying her heartbeat to match the frequency of Present Mic's attack. 

"I'm moving in!" Katamina called out, having no idea whether Jiro could actually hear her or not, and dashed towards the origin of the massive torrent of sound, scoring the ground with her sheath as she went, leaving a trail of upturned dirt behind her. 

Katamina didn't get far before another wave of high-decibel sound blasted through the woods, thankfully missing her as it was focused towards the entrance of the exam area, where Jiro was stationed. Through the booming sonic attack, Katamina thought she could hear Jiro yelling something, but it was drowned out by Present Mic's shout. 

Following the noise, Katamina came across a clearing, on the other side of which stood Present Mic, letting out yet another howl into the forest. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on the perspective), Katamina was still somewhat hidden from Mic, whose attention was entirely focused in the direction of the entrance gate. 

Slowly, Katamina drew a throwing knife, laid it on the ground beside her, and swapped it with Jiro, instinctively covering her partner's mouth as the purple-haired girl appeared, muffling a small squeak of surprise.

"Quiet. He's right there. Do you think you could disorient him with your quirk while he's taking a breath?" Katamina whispered into Jiro's ear, and upon receiving a nod, Katamina let go, drawing several throwing knives while still maintaining her grip on her sword. 

Just as Present Mic's onslaught was beginning to finish, he took a deep breath, but didn't get the chance to shout before a sonic attack not too dissimilar to his own knocked him off his feet. Not wasting a single second, Mic let out another shout, overpowering Jiro's attack with his own, the difference in experience shining through this one confrontation as he easily caught Katamina's thrown knives and turned them against the swordswoman.

"Shit!" Katamina cursed as she knocked her own throwing knife to the side with her sword.

Present Mic was somehow still shouting as he threw Katamina's knife back at her. However, Present Mic needs time to breathe. Jiro doesn't.

Jiro's sonic attack outlasted Present Mic's by several seconds as the pro hero was forced to take another breath. In the few seconds that he needed to do this, Katamina jabbed him in the stomach with her sheath, earning a pained grunt from him and further extending the time he'd need to recover and unleash another sonic attack. 



Another wave of constant pulsing blasted through the woods - Katamina having barely gotten out of the way thanks to the throwing knife that Present Mic threw back at her - and blasted the winded blonde hero onto his back. Taking the opportunity, Katamina lunged forwards, switching herself with her knife yet again and slapping the handcuffs onto Present Mic's wrists before he could get back on his feet.

The moment she did, a mechanized voice rang out across the exam grounds imitating Nezu's voice, announcing that "Katamina Senkiru and Kyoka Jiro have passed the final exam!"

"We're done here, right?" Katamina raised an eyebrow as she tilted her head down at the cuffed Present Mic.

There was no response.


Jiro's voice registered in Katamina's mind, "I'm pretty sure that last Heartbeat Blast knocked him out after that gut shot you gave him."

Katamina blinked. Despite not being able to see anything, her befuddlement still shined through her pale eyes, "I didn't hit him that hard."

"Uh, no, you hit him pretty hard." Jiro argued, "You slammed the very end of your scabbard into his gut. Did you not hear the sound he made? He really felt that."

"Oh. Right. Your hearing's even better than mine." Katamina rolled her eyes, letting out a soft, almost inaudible sigh, to which Jiro laughed. 


"Izuku still isn't back yet?" Katamina asked almost immediately as she entered the viewing area with Jiro, lugging with them a still-unconscious Present Mic, where several other students had been waiting, watching what Katamina presumed to be screens showing the progress of the other students.

"No, he's still in his exam." Ojiro said, pointing up at one of the screens before pausing, "Oh, wait, you can't actually see the screens, can you?"

"Nope." Katamina sat down on a stool near the back of the room after laying Present Mic on one of the beds, "It's fine. I'll wait for him to tell me what happened."

"Are you sure? We could just narrate what he's doing right now." Ojiro offered awkwardly, "It's- It's no trouble."

"Ojiro-kun is right!" Iida proclaimed, once again chopping his right hand in the air, "We would gladly help you get by your disability, Senkiru-san!"

"You're too loud." Katamina half-heartedly tossed Present Mic's glasses at Iida, "You're almost worse than this guy, impossible as it seems."

At that, Jiro had to stifle a snort. Iida blinked, his mouth agape, while the rest of the present students showed various degrees of amusement, from quiet snickers to outright hysterical laughter.

Katamina leaned back against the wall and closed her eyes, "Wake me up when the exams are over, will ya? I'm gonna pass out real quick."


"She's asleep, isn't she?" Izuku asked with a deadpan face as soon as he noticed the absence of his sister in front of the screens showing the progress other people made with their respective teachers. 

"She told us to wake her up when the exams are over." Iida reported, managing to lower his voice just enough to avoid waking up the swordswoman. 

"Well, I guess I'll just have to tell her everything later." Izuku let out a small grin as he joined the rest of the class watching the rest of the class's progress with their exams.

A/N: My friends! I have returned from my one-and-a-half year trip to the milk store! 

In all seriousness, thanks for sticking around with me until I returned, so go ahead and enjoy this chapter. You've certainly earned it.

I probably won't disappear off the face of the earth like this again, since I know how to actually pace myself now, though I have no idea how regularly I'll update. Expect at least one chapter a week though.

Anyways, Imma head out. It's late, and I would like to wake up in eight hours instead of eight years.

Timeless_95, signing out.

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