Duality and Acid

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"She's here, she's there, she's everywhere! Give it up for Katamina Senkiru!" Mic announced as Katamina walked onto the stage.

"And now, the boy of frost, coldness rivalling his personality! Shoto Todoroki!" Todoroki stared at her, unwilling to back down. 

The tension between them was crackling in the air. It was as if anyone who got too close would've gotten electrocuted. 


Both figures immediately burst into action: Todoroki sent waves of ice out from his right foot whilst Katamina threw her knives onto the ground.

As the first wave reached Katamina, she quickly drew her sword, unleashing a big shockwave that sliced through the ice so easily it was as if Katamina was slicing through reality itself.

The shockwave sliced through Todoroki's clothes, but not his skin.

"Interesting quirk use." Todoroki remarked.

"Oh, you noticed, huh? Well, I could say the same for you. Why do you hold back?" Katamina shot back, a flicker of a smirk dancing at the edge of her lips.

Todoroki's gaze hardened, "I don't know what you are talking about."

Katamina slashed again as Todoroki sent another wave of ice at her. This time nicking the side of his face.

"Your fire. You don't use it. It's an insult to quirkless people to have a powerful quirk and not use it, because you have a gift that others do not." Katamina held out a palm, and an icicle appeared in her hand out of nowhere.

"You're freezing up. Literally. Your fire can counter that, can it not? Why do you insist on fighting with one hand tied? Wouldn't it be better if you just let it rip? Come at me with all you've got, because I'm not going to end this match until you do." Katamina kept taunting him, provoking larger and larger waves of ice.

Eventually, Katamina swapped places with Todoroki as a wave of ice was about to hit her, leaving Todoroki trapped in the ice.

Her soft murmur morphed into a roar, "Stop fucking around, Shoto Todoroki! You have the gift of the Number 2! Why don't you use it?!"

"I refuse to use the old man's quirk!"

"Your father's quirk?! Your father's quirk?!" Katamina's voice turned shrill, "What does he have to do with this?! Okay, his genetics gave you a quirk resembling his, but it isn't his, is it?!"

Katamina appeared behind Todoroki, "I don't know what he did, and I quite frankly don't care, but you are not about to let me win without accepting that he's a part of you! So you hate him, so what? Don't pretend he's not there! You can be better, take his joke of a quirk, and mold it into something you can be proud of!"

With those words, Katamina sensed the air getting warmer, and grinned, "Burn your dark past to cinders, Todoroki-kun."

"You really shouldn't help your enemies, fool."

Katamina held her sword with both hands, "Come at me!"

As the fire burned brighter, the two forces clashed.

"What happened?! I can't see anything!"

When the smoke cleared, Katamina was seen at the edge of the ring, her sword stabbed into the ground whilst Todoroki was slumped against an ice wall.

"Both contestants are knocked down, can either of them fight?" Present Mic commentated, as if he wasn't stating the obvious.

Katamina slowly picked herself off the ground and raised her sword in the air.

Todoroki remained slumped on the ground.

"Todoroki can no longer fight, Senkiru wins!" Midnight announced.

Katamina sheathed her sword and collected her knives, keeping her eyes closed the entire time. 

Droplets of blood formed at the corners of her eyes.


"And now, he can shoot you, he can punch you, and he can tie you up! Give it up for the high-gear menace, Izuku Midoriya!" The crowd erupted into applause. It was much louder compared to the first time.

"And on the other side, she's pink, she's quick, and she can melt you down! Mina Ashido!" Even more cheering.

"I still call bullshit on the bias." Izuku muttered as he readied his gear.


Izuku started by immediately dropping his flashbang and activating his visor.

Before Ashido could react, the rays of light stole her sight, and as she fought to retrieve it, Izuku rushed at her.

Fortunately for her, Ashido was able to recover right before Izuku punched her, bending backwards impossibly far, and kicking her feet up, catching Izuku off-guard.

Izuku was knocked backwards as Ashido's feet caught him in the chin, leaving a solid bruise on his jawline.

Izuku switched magazines and loaded his pistol with tesla darts.

He quickly jumped at Ashido and shot a volley of darts around her in a pentagram shape, with Ashido being in the middle. The darts quickly flickered to life, unleashing torrential arcs of lightning at Ashido.

"What's this? It seems like Midoriya is using electricity against his opponent!"

Not even a second later, Ashido jumped up and out of the pentagram of darts.

"A pentagram? Really? What are you, Satan?" Ashido joked, "Because if you're Satan, then I'm God."

Izuku smirked, "Well then, my Lady, how do I proceed to kick your ass?"

Ashido dashed at him, "How about you don't?"

"With all due respect, I'd like to decline your request."

"Then burn in hell where you belong!"

Izuku switched ammunition whilst dodging Ashido's acidic strikes, shooting the ground beneath her with a concussion bullet, knocking her off her feet.

Izuku jumped into the air and shot his grappling hook at the ground beside Ashido, bringing his leg down in an axe kick, he slammed into the ground, slightly cracking it.

Ashido barely got out of the way before his leg made impact with her, but her cheek was scratched nonetheless.

"Jeez, for a quirkless kid, you sure seem like you have a power augmentation quirk."

Izuku simply shrugged, "I get told that a lot. I'm still human, don't worry."

Suddenly, Izuku's grapple wrapped itself around Ashido, as she struggled, she glanced up at Izuku, "You could've done that all along?!"

Izuku smirked, "Saving the best tricks for last. It saves both ammunition and stamina."

Izuku pulled Ashido in and delivered a swift strike to the side of her neck, putting her into a temporary coma.

"Ashido is knocked out! Midoriya wins the battle!" Midnight announced as the audience was put into an uproar.

Izuku simply gave a simple salute as he headed off the stage.

A/N: Ah, yes, a good old pentagram to symbolize the hell that you would've been in if you didn't dodge, Ashido. At any rate, I'm probably not going to be able to update this story again this week, so don't get your hopes up.

Anyways, if you enjoyed this chapter, consider voting and following for more. Peace out, everybody. Goodbye.

Timeless_95, signing out.

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