Engines and Explosions

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"Next up, we have our teleporting swordsman, Katamina Senkiru, coming up on stage! And facing against her, our notorious speedster, Tenya Iida!"

Katamina and Iida both walked onto the stage. 

"I will not go easy on you, Senkiru-san." Iida stated.

"Wouldn't want it any other way, Iida-kun." Katamina smiled.

"Begin!" Midnight announced.

Iida immediately began by dashing behind Katamina, who responded by throwing a knife at him.

Thanks to his speed, though, Iida easily avoided the blade, quickly closing the distance between himself and Katamina.

Katamina then replaced herself with seemingly nothing, appearing a few metres away.

"I thought your quirk involved swapping your own position with the position of another object." Iida commented.

"It does. I exchanged my own position with the air molecules." Katamina pointed a finger at the air above Iida, "You may want to look above you."

Iida did, and noticed all eight of Katamina's throwing knives falling down at him.

Iida tried to run, but Katamina held him in place with her quirk by switching his position with the air particles he pushes aside.

Iida sighed and stayed still, but before the knives could hit him, he performed a backflip, knocking the knives to the side with the side of his right foot.

"Good try." Was all he said before charging at Katamina, who had backed away in the meantime.

"Indeed." She smirked before her position swapped with Iida's, causing him to fly out of bounds due to his momentum.

"Tenya Iida is out of bounds! Senkiru wins!" Midnight announced.

Iida grumbled as he walked back onto the arena, "That was dirty, Senkiru-san."

"Whatever it takes to win, right? In all seriousness, though, you left me no choice. I already used my quirk quite a bit in an attempt to defeat you previously. Think of it as an honor, okay?" Katamina patted Iida on the shoulder as she walked past him. 

That was a lie. Katamina simply had no other plans off the top of her head.

But she wasn't about to tell him that.


"And now, a fight we've all been wanting to see: Izuku Midoriya, the quirkless marksman! Versus! Katsuki Bakugo, the explosive fighter!"

Izuku and Bakugo walked onto the stage at the same time, staring each other down.

"I won't hold back this time, Kacchan." Izuku told him, fingering his gun, "Prepare to lose."

Bakugo immediately got pissed off, "You quirkless fucker! What the hell can you do, huh?!"

Almost as soon as Midnight announced for the match to begin, Bakugo immediately launched himself at Izuku, hands poised to strike. 

Izuku didn't flinch, he simply sidestepped Bakugo's initial explosive punch, grabbed him by the wrist and threw him over his back. 

"Calm down, Kacchan, you look like a beast." Izuku chuckled, dropping his flashbang on the ground and activating his visor. 

A burst of bright light blinded his adversary, allowing him to strike. 

"Never let your guard down." Izuku whispered in Bakugo's ear, then proceeded to bend backwards to avoid an explosion.

Izuku backflipped away, catching Bakugo on the chin with his feet, knocking him back and interrupting his next attack.

"You bastard!" Bakugo yelled, releasing a massive explosion that blew up a smoke screen around the stage.

"Missed again. Don't telegraph your attacks, Kacchan."

Bakugo turned around, but before he could attack, Izuku had whacked him with the butt of his gun.

Izuku's gun was still loaded with tesla darts, so when he hit Bakugo with it, he fired a dart into his shirt, shocking Bakugo briefly before he aggressively ripped off the dart, tearing his shirt off in the process.

"Shitty Deku!" He roared, unleashing more and more explosions as Izuku further dodged them again and again.

Izuku waited until Bakugo stumbled, and sweeped his legs out from underneath him. 

Pointing his pistol at Bakugo's forehead, Izuku stood over his opponent.

"Give up. Had this been a real fight, you'd be dead. Don't make me pull the trigger." Izuku told him sternly.

Bakugo stared down the barrel of the pistol and Izuku sighed, "Have it your way."

The trigger was pulled, and Bakugo collapsed, an electric dart in his forehead.

"Katsuki Bakugo is unable to fight! Izuku Midoriya wins!"


"Now, for the final match, sword against gun, quirk against tech, warrior against gunslinger! Give it up for Katamina Senkiru and Izuku Midoriya!"

Izuku and Katamina stared each other down, and they both got ready.

"You better get ready, baby brother, because you're going down." Katamina smirked as she rested a hand on the hilt of her sword.

"Right back at you, big sister, because I won't let you outdo me." Izuku shot back.

As Midnight announced the start of the match, Izuku immediately fired off several shots from his pistol, all of which were concussive rounds that Katamina sliced open.

"You'll need to try a little harder than that." Katamina appeared behind Izuku, already swinging her sword at him.

Izuku rolled forwards, dropping his flashbang and activating his visor, but Katamina grabbed it and tossed it back at him, "Return to sender."

As the flashbang exploded, Izuku was thrown off-balance by the impact, and Katamina took that chance to switch her own position with the flashbang and attack him.

Izuku had no choice but to block the blade with his gun, catching the handguard with the trigger of his gun, setting off a concussive bullet that Katamina easily dodged.

Izuku kicked Katamina in the legs, causing her to lose her footing, but before he could attack further, Katamina switched with Izuku, throwing Izuku off balance, falling backwards.

But Izuku wasn't done, he snatched his grapple from his belt and stabilized himself using one of the torches nearby. Spinning around, he delivered a swift kick to a grounded Katamina, who switched positions with the torch he grappled to.

Grabbing the grappling hook, Katamina pulled Izuku towards her, slamming her sheath into his gut and slashing through him with her blade.

However, she did not hit him. She only slashed his clothes into pieces.

"I think that signifies your loss, little brother." Katamina stood up straight, sheathing her sword.

"I forfeit."

"Katamina Senkiru wins!" Midnight announced, and the crowd went wild.

A/N: Real quick, what are your opinions on the current power balancing? 

Anyways, if you enjoyed this chapter, consider voting and following for more. Peace out, everybody. Goodbye.

Timeless_95, signing out.

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