Blade and Blink

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Katamina walked up to the doors of the agency. Once she confirmed that it was manual and not automatic, she walked in, taking care to avoid the other people walking in and out of the agency.

She stopped at the front desk, "Excuse me, my name is Katamina Senkiru, I'm here for an internship with Blade."

The person in front of her presumably nodded, "Alright, come with me."

The feminine figure walked through a door, Katamina close on her trail. 

"Blade is waiting for you in here, Senkiru-san." The figure bowed, and Katamina bowed back.


Katamina was not ready.

As soon as she walked in the door, she was attacked by a flurry of blades.

After the first strike, she called her sword to her hand, drawing her blade and bouncing her adversary's attacks away from her.

After a while of dodging knives and deflecting swords, Katamina quickly warped to a corner of the room. 

"What gives? I walk into the room and you attack me without warning? Just because I'm blind doesn't mean I'm helpless, you know." She demanded, keeping her sword in front of her and a knife behind her.

Katamina only heard laughing in response, "Ah, Senkiru, your skills are formidable indeed. Don't worry, that trial was only a test, nothing more."

She sighed, "Your idea of a test is way too dangerous. If I didn't have this quirk, I wouldn't have been able to retrieve my sword in time."

Blade hummed, "I ordinarily wouldn't test my interns like this, but considering your performance during the Sports Festival, I thought I could make it harder. Just for you."

Katamina's right eyebrow twitched, "Why thank you, I'm flattered that you tried to skewer me with a thousand blades." She said with fake joy and sarcasm clear in her voice.

Blade chuckled, his blades seemed to disappear into his clothes, "Of course, I wasn't planning on actually hitting you. I would've stopped right before impact. Maybe a cut or two, but nothing too serious. "

Katamina rolled her eyes, and sat down heavily, "How are you even able to use that many swords, anyway? You don't seem to have a multi-limb quirk."

Blade walked over and sat down next to her, "I have the sword that I use in my hands, and then I have the spirit swords that I can summon at will. That's my quirk, by the way. Spirit Sword." He explained his quirk to her: "I can summon a certain amount of flying swords that I can manipulate at will. My limit, currently, is at a maximum of twenty, although I never usually use more than five at a time."

Katamina thought about Izuku's reaction to a quirk such as Blade's, "Heh, my brother would be bombarding you with questions if he were in my position."


"So, first things first, I would like to know the person who trained you with a sword." Blade said, pacing around the dojo-like room.

Katamina shrugged, "I was self-taught. I have a few sword styles that I can show you if you want."

Blade nodded, "I'd like that."

Katamina got up and grabbed her sheathed sword, "Alright, the first series of attacks that I use doesn't have a name, although I usually refer to it as my Quickdraw Series, since it's usually to do with the speed at which I draw my sword."

Katamina quickly drew the blade, cutting through a bamboo stump in the corner of the room.

"That's a lot like Iaido. Just a slightly different stance." Blade commented.

"My second series is an original in which I use my quirk in conjunction with swordplay. I call it my Windblade Series. I use my quirk on the air particles my blade touches, making them switch with each other rapidly, causing a massive gust of wind in the form of a blade's arc."

She demonstrated the attack, stepping back from the bamboo stumps. Like before, they were sliced through, although this time, the cut was less clean.

"A good ranged attack. Cutting power could use some work though." Blade muttered, referring to the cut being slightly rougher.

"My third series is another original in which I use both my blade and my sheathe in tandem to attack. I've named it the Bluntforce series, but it doesn't just involve blunt force."

Katamina held her sword in her right hand and her sheathe in her left, and with a whirlwind of attacks, she put several dents and cuts in the straw dummy.

"Creative bladework. I like it." Blade said, "Maybe don't attack that quickly, since the air resistance can slow down the arm with the sheathe. It could get you hurt."

Katamina nodded, "My final series is by far the most dangerous, for both myself and my opponent. It's called the Judgement Series."

Katamina put her sheathe down and balanced her sword on a finger, "I can't actually show this to you, since it does exhaust my quirk, but I can explain the concept of it for you."

The sword tipped, hilt-up. Katamina grabbed it.

"My blade serves as some kind of scale of justice. It can accurately judge whether someone is guilty or innocent of a particular crime. When it falls blade-first, it means the subject is guilty. Hilt-first means innocent." Katamina explained, sheathing her sword, "When my sword judges someone as guilty, I get an increase in power. Somehow. I don't exactly know how it happens, it just does."

Katamina then warped around the room, using her knives to switch her position, "I basically do this, but much faster, and swinging my sword in the process."

Blade nodded, "And why don't you demonstrate this again?"

Katamina shrugged, "One, I need that burst of power to be able to do it. Two, the last time I did this, it rendered me blind." 

Blade paused, "Sorry."

Katamina chuckled and waved dismissively, "It's fine. Don't worry about it. It's not as if it was a traumatic experience or anything. All I did was pulverize a monster and turn it into a mist of blood. No big deal."

Katamina didn't hear Blade respond, but she could tell he was staring at her. 

A/N: Yes, Katamina has four 'series' of attacks. I took inspiration from Iaido for the Quickdraw Series. Sorry I was dead for a while. I was too busy throwing my guts up all over the floor.

Anyways, if you enjoyed this chapter, consider voting and following for more. Peace out, everybody. Goodbye.

Timeless_95, signing out.

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