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The 0-pointer fell towards the examinees watching the fight.

Izuku immediately reacted, switching ammunition in his sniper rifle and shooting the ground between the examinees.

A bubble shield was emitted from the device embedded in that bullet, and surrounded the examinees.

Izuku swung down to the examinees, shifting the debris out of the way, "Is everyone alright?"

Those that were encased with the bubble shield glanced up at him, and a blue-haired examinee, who Izuku recognized as the one who tried and failed to scold Katamina earlier that day, spoke, "Yes, it doesn't seem like we have anyone here who is injured. Thank you. Is this your quirk?"

Izuku smiled sadly, "Unfortunately, no. I'd like it to be, but this is pure technology."

Izuku then turned his attention to Katamina, who was still standing on the deformed head of the 0-pointer.

"Are you going to come down and get rid of the debris? You're more suited to this than I am."

Katamina sighed, "Way ahead of you, buddy."

She threw her throwing knives at the nearby faux villains as she touched each piece of debris and switched them with her knives, throwing them once again after switching the debris. She kept with this process until every piece of debris was cleared, and recalled all of her knives.

The buzzer then blared at them, signaling the end of the exam.

"Alright, is anyone in need of some healing?" The Pro Hero known as Recovery Girl walked onto the site, Katamina then remembered the girl she had moved out of the 0-pointer's way.

"Oh yeah, there's one. Right here."

She grabbed a throwing knife from her leg pouch, and switched it with the girl.

Recovery Girl hummed, and kissed the girl on the forehead.

The girl turned around and thanked Katamina, "Thank you for helping me, my name's Ochako Uraraka, what's yours?"

Katamina smiled, "Katamina Senkiru, pleasure to meet you."

"Thank you again, Katamina, you really saved me back there, even if your quirk is really discombobulating."

Katamina laughed, "Yeah, I get that a lot."

Recovery girl handed out stamina-restoring gummies to the examinees in the exams, and then promptly shooed them all away.


Izuku was practicing shooting in the basement when Katamina suddenly appeared next to him.


She literally appeared right next to him, she didn't descend the staircase, she just warped to the space right next to him.

Izuku sighed, "What did you switch with this time? I know I don't have the beacon with me."

"Oh, just one of your pistols. Besides, I think you'd want to see this as soon as possible."

Katamina produced two letters, one was addressed to her, the other was addressed to Izuku. 

"Letters from UA. Now we'll get to find out whether we're in or out." Katamina ripped hers open, and a hologram disk slid out.

It activated to reveal Present Mic.

"Hey little listener! I'm sure the question of whether or not you passed has been weighing on your mind since the Entrance Exam!"

Katamina sighed, "Really not."

"Well, good news! You passed! With flying colors! You scored the most points in the practical exercise at an amazing 198 points, and you also took down the 0-point villain with ease! Even without other factors, you would've been accepted into UA, but you showed a true hero's qualities by rescuing other examinees in danger! Thus, I give you... Rescue Points!"

Katamina laughed, "Figured that was the case."

"That's right! This isn't a test of just combat ability, you see. We also judge people's hearts with the 0-point villain! Those who defeat the 0-pointer to prevent other examinees from getting hurt or help examinees escape from the villain received extra points! In your case, you received 80 rescue points, bumping your total score up to 278 points! Wow, that's impressive!"

The amount of points Katamina received was so much that even Katamina went slack-jawed.

"Well, you're in! Welcome to your hero academia!"

The hologram shut off.


Izuku wordlessly opened his letter, albeit with much less vigor than Katamina did.

As with Katamina's letter, his letter revealed another hologram disk.

As it flickered to life, it revealed a different person.

"Who the fuck is this?" Katamina snorted, "Is he a rat?"

"Greetings! My name is Nezu, and I am the Principal of UA. Now, you might be wondering: Why is the principal sending you this message? Well, it was because of your performance in the Entrance Exam and also something that I found in your personal files."

Izuku sighed, "It's about me being quirkless."

"Now, judging from your performance in the written exam, congratulations, by the way. You got everything correct and even decoded my secret code in the test and responded in the same way with your answers. Anyway, judging from your performance there, you can probably see where this is going. Don't worry, we do not discriminate the quirked and the quirkless here."

Katamina exhaled in relief, "Thank god. I was getting ready to commit animal cruelty."

"You see, you being quirkless makes your accomplishments in the practical portion of the exam much more impressive, and I assume all of your gear that you used was all made by yourself, judging from how easily you were able to use them. From the practical exam, you scored 153 villain points, but from your style of taking down villains that get too close to other examinees and how you reacted after the 0-point villain fell, you were awarded 120 rescue points in addition to your villain points. I'd like you to meet me in my office the day before the school year begins, as there is something I'd like to discuss with you."

Izuku raised an eyebrow, but the holographic recording didn't explain any further.

"As such, you have been accepted into UA. Welcome to your hero academia."

The holographic recording ended.

Izuku and Katamina were both in shock, they wordlessly turned to each other and stared each other in the eyes for a good 20 seconds.

After the two were able to process everything that happened, Izuku burst into cheer as Katamina checked her temperature.

"I- how is that possible? I didn't think we were that good." Katamina muttered, still doubting the reality of the situation.

"Who cares? We got in! Come on, let's celebrate!" Izuku grinned as he pulled her out of the basemen by the arm.

A/N: So. Nezu took special interest in Izuku, apparently.

I'm not actually sure if all of the holographic disks project the same staff member, or if Izuku was the only one who received a holographic disk in canon, but this is fanfiction, and I can do whatever I want.

Okay? Okay. Cool? Cool.

Anyways, if you enjoyed this chapter, consider voting and following for more. Peace out, everybody. Goodbye.

Timeless_95, signing out.

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