Strange News

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 Five days ago, I came home from a long day at work and sat down in front of the TV. I was so tired that I fell asleep. By the time I woke up, it was around 3:30AM.

 The television was still on, but all that was on the screen was static and an uncomfortable high-pitched tone. I was about to turn it off and go to bed when something strange happened. 

 Abruptly, the static disappeared. Through the white noise, I could make out an image. I blinked a couple of times and I realized it was news footage of a bus crash. 

 In the corner of the screen was a caption that read "WWW News Broadcast". I had never heard of it before and I wondered what was going on. A long list of names scrolled slowly down the screen while gloomy music played in the background. A low, monotonous voice read out each name, one by one. 

Just then, I thought I heard my full name being read out. A chill ran down my spine and my heart started to beat faster. 

This went on for at least two minutes or so, until finally the voice announced, "Theses are tomorrow's victims... Goodnight..."

The music stopped, the picture faded back to static and I sat on the sofa bewildered of what I just seen. 

 That night, I was too disturbed to sleep. All night, I tossed and turned, thinking about the strange news broadcasted. When morning arrived, I called my boss and told him I was too stick to come in for work. 

 Shortly before 9AM, the bus I usually take to work crashed with another transportation bus. I saw the news report on TV. Almost 20 people were killed in the crash and every individual was injured. 

 Ever since then, I've been too scared to leave my house and can't bring myself to watch TV at night. 

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