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I was a teacher and found a job in Japan. It was a nursery school. Right around the block, there was an old cemetery. To prevent children coming in and out, the cemetery was wrapped by a hulk-sized metal fence.

After few times of passing by, I noticed something bizarre. Insects, rats, and lizards were impaled on the spikes of the fence. I pondered why a person would do a scandalous thing like that. The nursery school and the local Buddhist temple shared the entrance, so millions of people enter and leave. That made the culprit more troublesome to find.

Eventually, a squirrel was impaled on the fence. The school principal immediately dismissed it, carrying the corpse in the trash. Later, a cat meet the same fate as well.

The principal knew something had to be done; therefore, he set up a meeting with the teachers and some priests in the temple.

"Who is doing this death-defying action?" he questioned standing tall upon peers.

"Is there a way to stop it?"

A lengthy conversation was discussed, but nobody seem to have any solutions. For about an hour, we stared at each other hoping for someone to spark an idea.

A few mornings later, a bunny was stabbed on the fence. After observing the dead victim, I realized the bunny was brutally shredded and the eyes was loosely hanged out of it's eye sockets. Before I vomit, I rushed to speak with the priest by the garden.

"I didn't see the bunny there last time. It must have been very early to happen." the priest mumbled as he tried to remember.

This meant the pet had been impaled before I had arrive.

One of my students arrived early the next morning. I took him aside and started interrogating.

He spoke only one word: "Hisaruki."

"Hisaruki? What do you mean by Hisaruki?" I retorted.

I kept pushing for more answers, but the boy couldn't explain his words. All he did was cover his eyes with both hands and began shaking his head violently. It looked like he was going to explode.

"Hisaruki... Hisaruki... Hisaruki!"

Then, he just ran away.

I talked with the other kids about this "Hisaruki" thing, but no one wasn't able to pin point the real story. The whole case was indignant!

As soon as school ended, I asked the parents if they ever heard of "Hisaruki". They nodded their heads as I sigh in disappointment. Right when I was about to leave, a school teacher ceased my tracks.

"I saw a picture with that name. I'm sure of it." she said wide-eyed.

She explained to me that eight years ago, a little boy in her class drew a picture and below wrote, "Hisaruki". The boy was absent for a week with no note or assurance. Until one day, both of his parents frantically visited the classroom to gather his belongings. The teacher wanted to talk to them, but they were in a rush. She noticed their son was sitting on the back car.

"He was wearing eye-patches. Not one, but two eye-patches over his eyes...."

The teacher didn't know what happen to him after the accident.

Casually, I drove my car to the school.... Then, I couldn't breathe. There, - was a lifeless boy pierced on the fence. I gaped in awe; who could have done this? Carefully, the spike wounded his heart. His legs was distorted in an odd position, and his head looked like as if it was bent in half. The boy's eyes were missing. Finally, I realized the victim was the one that showed up in the morning early.

With hesitation, I kicked the gas pedal full speed and reported it to the principal. His face went pale. In a haste, he called the police and wondered what to do next.

During lunch break, I wanted to end everything once and for all. I went down to the school's basement to discover some hidden documents. I searched and searched until I found the keyword, "Hisaruki". I wiped off the dust and found a note from the previous principal.

"Hisaruki was a young boy. He was a young boy that went mentally insane. If he never took those pills on the counter top....

I don't think I can lead this school anymore. I must hide this! No one should know this! NO ONE-"

The note was interrupted and had blood spattered on it. Sweat poured down my forehead, and my hand went shaky. I got off my knees and was about to leave. However, a boy blocked the entry.

It was Hisaruki.

He had a bowl cut with his face blank. Blood trickled down his eyes as he crookedly grinned out a doll-like smile. All of his teeth looked deteriorated and putrid.

I blinked as if I was dreaming, and - Hisaruki disappeared.

This happened two years ago. I couldn't take the image of his already-rotten face.

The nursery shut down; the nightmare is now buried and never to be discovered.

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