Where's My Stomach?

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 NEWS-- This book is likely going to end right here, right now. I don't know for sure, but it will end. No scary stories to read no more. D: 

 There was a husband and wife who lived in a small cottage. The man loves to eat and his wife would join in, however, he wasn't a good one. He was short tempered, flustered easily and his wife had a large fear of him. She was more of shy woman that did everything she could to make him feel satisfied. If she failed, the husband regularly beat her.  

 In the noon time, the husband bought a pig stomach from the butcher shop. When he came home, his wife already prepared sandwiches for lunch. After that, the wife mention an old woman died church next door. He enjoyed his food but honestly could care less about his wife talking. He got up and bellowed,

 "Enough with your blabber, I'm going to work."  

 Then in the evening, the wife was making pig stomach's soup for dinner. She cooked beautifully and seasoned it perfectly. She opened the lid and see the steamed vegetables and broth all mixed together. Finally, the soup was done and the pot was extremely hot. 

 The woman wanted to cut the pig's stomach on the kitchen table until suddenly, the broth burned her hand. She looses her grip and stepped on the main ingredient, the pig stomach. However, she saved the vegetables and broth, but didn't make much of a difference.

 The shop was closed, and her husband can be here around 20 minutes! She didn't want to face the beatings anymore. Panicking, a light bulb popped above her head. She realized about the coffin, it's still not buried.....no one's there at the church... Why not? 

 The husband finished his meal and rubbed his full belly. 

 "The soup is absolutely succulent!" 

 The vegetables were great and the broth made the "pig's" stomach taste like heaven. The whole dish made it the best dinner the husband ever had.  

 "Aren't you're going to have some?" he questioned. 

 "No, you finished it." she warmly answered. 

 When it was sleeping time, they both went to bed. The wife couldn't go to sleep, what had she done?Then, 

 "Where's my stomach? Who has my stomach?" the faint whispering came out of the no where.

 The voice was like an old woman sound, slowly getting closer. 

 "The stomach! It's mine!" 

 The woman was sweating bullets, the husband ate it. 

 "I don't have your stomach!" the trembling wife whispered. 

 The voice was now right in front of her.

 "Then WHO?" 

 The wife pointed at his husband, 

 "He has your stomach!" 

 She couldn't bear it any longer, the wife woke up her husband and admitted everything. The story was so strongly detailed that the husband's face went red. He was furious since he had a small fear with ghosts. 

 "I ate the stomach.. She's coming for me!" the husband grew louder.  

 He hopped off the bed without a word and went downstairs. The wife pondered if she did the right choice, here goes the beating again. She went to check if his husband was okay and just then, a dark figure with a knife covered the doorway. The wife muffled screams were horrific. 

 At midnight, the husband tip toed to the church and placed a new stomach in the belly of the old woman. He came back and washed his bloody hands cleanly. The husband went back to sleep and the wife was never seen again. 

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