Dear Claire

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Dear Claire,

I know we haven't met before, but I feel like you should know something. You probably don't recognize me but that doesn't matter. When I first laid eyes on you, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I never seen someone so beautiful. Just one glance I felt a fluttery feeling in my chest. I guess you can call it love.

As you brushed past me in the street that day, I stared at your body and face. Everything was memorizing about you. Even your name is beautiful: Claire. I overheard someone calling out your name. Claire. It fits you wonderfully. The type of name that rolls off the tip of my tongue as I repeat it over and over.

You probably don't remember me, but I wanted to tell you a secret. I love you, Claire. I don't know what exactly happened that day I saw you. There was something between us. Some kind of connection. Something exhilarating! If you feel the same way, please write back and let me know.

Dear Claire,

It's been a week since I wrote that letter to you, and I still haven't gotten a reply. You should check your mailbox more. How are you? My life has been the same. I wake up, go to work, come home, eat, then dream of you.

I waited outside your office today and followed you home. I hope that doesn't bother you, but it was the only way I could find where you live. You glanced over your back as you opened your front door and our eyes met- only for a second or two. In that short moment, I felt so close to you. As if I known you for years.

I was too shy to approach you, so I pretended to be a passerby walking down your street. Soon, I came back and took a picture of you through the window. I couldn't wait to stare at you. The camera doesn't do much, but it's the best I can do to admire your beauty. As I gazed at the photo, you are truly gorgeous. Every feature of your hourglass figure, your sweet blonde curls, your sparkling blue eyes, and your glossy legs is just impeccable.

Claire, I love you... I love you. I love everything about you. I want us to be together forever and ever. Please write back soon.

Dear Claire,

You still haven't replied yet. Why won't you talk to me? Don't you understand our destiny are meant for each other? Maybe you didn't receive my last two letters. Maybe you're just teasing with me.

For the past four days, I've watching you at night. I spent hours in your garden just scanning at your body, hoping that you don't go to bed. Every time you switch off the lights, I knew my time with you was over. I forced myself to slumber back home with my misery and loneliness. Watching you on the videos doesn't compare to seeing you in real life.

It's magnificent of how much data I can find from someone's first name and address. While I was searching about you, I discovered that you are 23 years old and currently single. I now know where you went to get your education, where your relatives live, and what you do for a living. However, it wasn't enough.

I want to be with you. I want to be next to you when you wake up in the morning. I want to touch your face and kiss your soft lips. I want to run my hands over your luscious curves. I cannot wait until the next time I see you darling.

Dear Claire,

I have a surprise! I'm moving in with you! Isn't that exciting? We will be able to spend hours upon hours together. It's going to thrilling.

While you were at work, I dropped by your house. Pick locking your back door was quite a breeze, and I finally was able to see everything from the inside. I sat on your bed, smelling your clothes and letting the sweet delightful scent rush over me. Looking through your drawers made our connection feel even closer. Now I know all your private secrets.

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