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Hello I am back! 

Sorry about not posting a lot. I've been supa busy. T-T

Now that's out of the way... we all know October... meaning IT'S MY TIME TO SHINE! >:D 


Don't mess with Pumpkinhead, 
Unless you're tired of living,
His foes are all dead,
He's evil and unforgiving. 

Make jokes of him and you're undone, 
He will kill you in some grim fashion.

Revenge, he considers fun,
And plans it with passion. 

Time will not blot or erase,
An idea that he has brewing.
It's when you think that he's in another place,

He'll conjure your doings. 

Locked doors and windows barred,
Guard dogs barking in the yard, 
Won't save you in your bed,
Nothing will, from Pumpkinhead. 

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