The White Wolf

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 In the mountains of Wisconsin, there was a small area called Birch Creek. Twelve years ago, a man named Rid Leonard existed. He was a lanky man and occupied as a butcher. 

 At that time, Wisconsin had an issue. The wolves in Birch Creek were killing cattle, and the farmers couldn't stop them. The state decided it was out of control, so they put a ten dollar bounty on every wolf pent turned in. 

 Rid thought that was some good money. Eventually, he gave up his job as a butcher and take on the role of hunting wolves. Turned out, he was an excellent hunter. Every year, he managed to kill over 300 wolves. At a bounty of 10 dollars per pelt, 3000 dollars was an abundant amount of money in those days. 

 After four years, Rid killed so many wolves that there were barely any left in the area. Almost becoming extinct, he choose to retire. Being a hunter made him rich, so he swore to never harm one again. Every day, he sat in the local store, playing his harmonica, and telling tall tales to anyone who would listen. 

 Everything was okay for a few years. Until suddenly, a distraught farmer burst through the store's door yelling that a white wolf killed two of his baby sheep. He insisted that he shot the wolf multiple of times, but the bullets didn't effect it. Soon, other farmers began spotting the white wolf, killing all their livestock. They shot, but the bullets didn't stop it's rampage. The villagers begged Rid to do resolve the situation. However, remembering his oath, he refused solemnly. 

 Nothing was safe; bloody half-eaten corpses of cattle littered the country side. One night, the wolf came into Rid's yard and murdered his pet pig. With veins popping out of his forehead and oil churning in his body, he threw his promise away to never bother another wolf. He wanted revenge. The next morning, Rid bought a young calf to use as bait. Tying it nearby the hills, he backed off about fifty yards and hid behind a bush. After that, he simply sat with his trusty shotgun and waited.

 After a few days, Bill wasn't heard for a while. The villagers went on a search for him. Eventually, they discovered an unharmed calf. It was still tied onto the tree alive. Then, they spotted Bill. He was on the ground with his head decapitated, and vicious claw marks littered across his chest. The scene left zero evidence as they tried to find tracks and signs of struggle. 

 As for the wolf, it was never seen again. 

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