Fishy Smell

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 Four years ago, when I was still in college, I went on a road trip with my friend, Josh. We finished our finals and wanted to explore the thrill of excitement and adventure. Josh brought his pet dog to keep us company. We didn't have much money for hotels, so we decided to stop by the side and sleep in the car.  

 One night, there was a seaside town. It was located on the coast, at the mountains. Our fuel was running low, and just when the car is about to crash, we spotted the only gas station in the town. However, it was closed. 

 I walked up to the house beside the stations and rang the bell. While I was waiting, I noticed a large basket at the front of the porch. It was filled with mounts of galore: fruits, meat, sweets, and other ornaments. I rang the bell again and noticed a shadowy figure peeking through the curtains. 

"Hey, I know you're there!" I bellowed. 

No reply. 

"Our car is almost out of gas, and we could really have some fuel!" I yelled. 

 After a few seconds, I heard the locks being unfastened, and the door cracked open to reveal a rugged elder. 

"What do you want?" he snarled. 

"Gasoline," I replied. 

"Can't you see the sign? We're closed," he ruthlessly declined. 

"I'm sorry, but my friend and I are going to be stuck here if we don't have fuel for our car," I tried explaining. 

A long pause stilled the air. Then, he finally growled, "Take this." 

The elderly man threw the can of gasoline out and shut the door in my face. I thought he was just plain rude, but since he didn't ask me to pay, I thanked him and left. 

 While walking back to the car, I peered around me and realized the silence. All the houses were pitch black and each one had a large basket at the front of their porches. 

"Is there a festival of some sort?" Josh questioned. 

 I shrugged and continued pouring fuel in our car. Exhausted, we choose to stay and proceed our epic journey in the morning. We pulled near a side of the road which overlooked the vast sea. 

 Just when my eyes were becoming heavy, my friend's dog started growling to instantly barking. I knew something was wrong; usually, she's calm and collected. To make the situation worse, a fishy stench filled the car. I stared at the darkness to focus on to the sea. All was tranquil until something was wriggling up on the dock. 

 "What is that...?" I hesitated. 

"I have no idea man," Josh whispered. 

 At first, it looked like a log floating on the water, but slowly this thing became a dark blob of blur - crawling its way to land. The blurred blob then churned and swirled to the shape of a gigantic man. 

The fishy odor was unbearable. 

 The black figure floated cross the road and reached the first house opposite of our road. This thing was almost tall as the house with its lanky legs and low hanging arms. Next, it went over to the basket and devoured the gifts. 

 I looked back at my friend and saw him sitting there, shaking like a fragile leaf. I was so frightened that I was frozen in one spot; I thought I would pee myself accidentally. The stench of dead fish coming from the thing was unbearable. 

"Start the car now," Josh stuttered. 

 I turned the key, hit the pedal, and hauled away from the place. In a blink of an eye, the black figure paced over behind us. The dog was barking like a maniac, and Josh kept screaming at me to keep going. I did not look back; we drove and drove until we were out of the town. 

 When we came back safely, I told my parents of the dreadful experience. My father mentioned how he remembered a legend as a kid about a fishing village on the coast. 

 He further said the place was cursed by a supernatural demon. Every year, something will rise out of the sea and attack the people, shredding them apart for their feast. In order to protect themselves, they would lock their doors and leave offerings to ward the creature off. 

 Ever since, I avoided the sea. There's this odd fear I have about that smell of fish - never again. 

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