Tyrion Lannister X Reader - Pt.2 - (Little Lions)

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Mentions of pregnancy and abortion

The Red Keep was vast, and you and Tyrion were lazy. Eventually, less than halfway through your tour, the two of you decided to call it off and head to your chambers to catch up.

You were set up in the guest apartments of the keep, Lord Tywin being so kind as to ensure an extra room for your guard to sleep in.
Sitting down in a red velvet armchair by the fire, Jaye poured you and Tyrion some wine before hesitantly leaving for the night.

"A loyal little dog you have there, y/n." Japed the little Lord Tyrion.

"He is a good man, Tyrion." You said, a serious note to your voice. While you enjoyed your jokes with Tyrion, Jaye was a proud man and would not take kindly to being compared to a pet.

The Little Lion nodded. Y/n clearly though highly of this man, he thought. "I'm sorry to hear about your father's passing, y/n."

You didn't know what to say. Despite it being many years ago, you still felt such pain at your father's death. You simply nodded and offered your old friend a sad smile.

"How about a toast?" You asked, wishing to change the subject of conversation. Raising your cup, you spoke "To friends and family, old and new." The two of you sipped on the spicy red wine.

"How have you been? You never replied to my letters." Tyrion asked.
You felt shame burning in your stomach.

"I apologise, My Lord. I have been well, thank you." You felt the walls you had built up over so many years begin to crumble.

The Little Lion grabbed your hand and held it gently. "Look at me, y/n. I know you, I can see the pain in your eyes. I won't push you to tell me, but just remember I am always here for you."

Your resolve faltered as you looked into the eyes you had long yearned for. "I... I must confess something to you, Tyrion."

"Anything. You can trust me." He replied, nodding and continuing to look in your eyes.

"Do you remember that night, the night of my seventeenth nameday?" You asked, hesitantly.

Tyrion chuckled, reminiscing. You had both lost your virginity to one another that night. "How could I forget?"

"Shortly after you left, I became ill. I couldn't keep food down, I became weak and tired. It was only after several months, I realised I hadn't bled." Tears formed, making your vision blurred and distorted. Tyrion squeezed your hands gently. Now he understood why you hadn't replied to his letters.

"You were with child." He stated, his face solemn.

"I was. My father made me drink moon tea, without my knowledge." Tears rolled down your face at your confession. The secret that had been eating away at you for so long had finally been shared. Yet despite this, you felt no sense of relief. Only fear.

Lord Tyrion considered your words for a short while before asking the question you had dreaded. "Was it mine?"

Taking a deep breath, attempting to suppress your cries, you said, "Yes. You are the only one I have ever laid with, Tyrion."

Tyrion dropped your hands and paced your chambers. He was angry, you knew it. Angry that you were foolish enough to fall pregnant, angry that you got rid of it (even though you weren't aware), angry that you had suddenly reappeared in his life and dropped this awful knowledge upon his shoulders.

Stopping, he told you "Wait here, I will be back in just a moment."
Your stomach dropped. He was going to have you thrown out, removed from the keep, banished. You had only just got him back in your life and straight away, you had pushed him out of it again.
You sat for a few minutes, feeling to you like hours. Eventually your sobs subsided and you calmed down. You were a strong woman, you could handle this.
Never let them see you weak. The words your father had so often repeated to you echoed in your head.

The door clicked open and you held your head up. Lord Tyrion had returned alone, most likely wishing to spare your feelings by asking you to leave himself. To your surprise, he kneeled before you and pulled a heavy gold ring from his pocket.

"Y/n. My greatest regret in life was leaving you behind at Casterly Rock. You are the only woman whom I have ever loved..." You could see his eyes mist with emotion. He continued, "If you can see it within you to accept my love, I assure you I will dedicate my every breath, my every heartbeat to you."

Shocked, you began to ask "Are you -"

"Yes. I am. Will you be my wife, y/n?"

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