Arya Stark X Fem!Reader - (Cornflower)

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"Oh gods, I'm so sorry!" You say, bending down to pick up the small figure you just knocked over.

"It's quite alright." The female voice replied, smiling. Your eyes widened as you realised who it was. Dipping into a clumsy curtsey, you stutter. "Please accept my most humble apologies, Milady"

Her voice a little stern now, she repeated "I said it's alright. What were you doing so close to the gates anyway?"

"I was here to receive the grain and flour order from Queen Sansa." You reply, looking down at your feet in respect.

Gesturing infront of her, Arya said "Well then, I'll accompany you."

You smile and blush slightly as you step infront of the Lady, walking through the yard. "What's your name?" You hear her voice ask behind you.
"Y/n, Milady. I'm the daughter of the miller, Bertran."

The rest of the walk was filled with Arya's questions, evidently she was very curious about the status of the Winter Town.
"Well, the people are happy Milady, and well fed. Everyone is overjoyed with having your sister as the Queen of the North. But... there is a shortage of Coughing Cap due to the recent fighting. Most of it was harvested by healers, for the soldiers. Several have lost the most young and old of their families from the Wasting."

Knocking on the door, Lady Arya turns to face you saying "I'll have some men search for some. We can't have our people sick." Giving you a warm smile, the two of you hear Sansa call you to enter.
You open the door and bow to the Queen and hear Arya behind you saying - "Oh and I like the bow, y/n" She winked, before turning and leaving you in front of the Queen, blushing as red as a beetroot.

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