Daenerys Targaryen X Fem!Reader - (New Hire)

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Ser Jorah opens the door to the Small Council chamber and clears his throat. Bowing, he says, "Khaleesi, may I present to you the esteemed Qartheen scholar, y/n"

Daenerys looks at you, as you dip into a low curtsey.
"Your Grace" You say, respectfully nodding your head.

"Y/n, Ser Jorah, please sit." Daenerys commands, indicating to the seats before her. The two of you move towards the table to sit down.
"I am glad you agreed to meet me, y/n. I have heard much of your diplomatic skills and linguistic knowledge." The Queen says.

You feel a blush creep across your cheeks at the compliment. Looking at the pale yet kind face of the Khaleesi, you reply. "Your words mean a great deal to me. Thank you, Your Grace. I am honoured that you requested my presence."
You take a second to drink in the beauty of the woman. Her pale hair and skin, her large purple eyes, her full lips and dazzling smile. All these things made her appear to be a creature not of this world.

A light smirk played on her lips, the Khaleesi "I wonder, y/n... I have a pressing political matter, my advisors are not exactly the most educated in this specific matter. Would you be willing to share some of your famous wisdom?" You nod, and listen eagerly as the Queen explains the matter. After considering the options for a while, you reach a possible solution.

"Well, Your Grace. I personally would recommend you send an envoy with one of your men as ambassador, preferably a mid to high rank as a show of faith and trust, as well as half a dozen soldiers and a hand written letter from yourself. If they mean no harm, then they will take the envoy as a sign to trust you. If they do mean harm, then the soldiers will be able to defend your ambassador and bring word back to you." You realise you rushed your words a little, eager to show the Queen of your willingness to aid her.

She thinks over your words for a minute, before placing her hands together and beaming at you. "Y/n. I would love to offer you a position as one of my political advisors." You were shocked. You were just eager to help the woman to reclaim her throne, having grown weary of the endless arguments and debates in the record house you worked. Letting her words sink in, you notice her stand. Evidently, the Khaleesi took your lack of response for hesitation, saying firmly - "Whatever the Records Master is paying you, I will double it."

Looking into her large violet eyes, you reply - "There is no need to double my pay. I would advise you for free, if it only meant I got to be in your presence, Your Grace."
Smiling, Daenerys orders a maid to fetch your belongings and arrange you a room.

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