He watched her across the hall. Being twice widowed with a living heir, he really had no need to marry again. But seeing y/n made him want to marry again. Y/n ignited a flame inside of him that burned and smouldered and slowly thawed his frosted heart.
Lord Karlwyn stood and cleared his throat, the quiet chatter ceasing. "Lords and Ladies, I thank you all for coming to my father's funerary gathering. My father was a man of many loves, mostly food and ale, however he was also an exceptionally caring and thoughtful man. His heart was as large as his appetite, which is saying something." This roused a few fond chuckles from the guests. Lord Frostphyre looked down at his sister, "My sister and I were very lucky, we were blessed by the Gods to have such a caring father."
You nod, tears welling in your eyes. Your eyes scan the room, looking at all of the Lords and Ladies who had come to remember your father. Your eyes catch those of Lord Roose and your heart flutters. You look down at the table before you and take slow steady breaths. Your brother finished his speech and sat down, gently rubbing your back.
The feast was over, and you began to feel tired. Your brother and some of the visiting Lords were all sat around the fire, sharing stories of your father and drinking copious mugs of ale. Deciding it was time to head to your chambers, you finish your cup of wine and stand up, saying "While I am very much enjoying your company, My Lords, I wish to ensure I have enough sleep before the procession tomorrow."
All of the Lords stood and bade goodnight, expect for one. An incredibly tall and stocky nobleman Lord Daryn Hornwood insisted on accompanying you back to your chambers, stating- "No Lady should be left alone to wander during such a delicate time. I would be happy to accompany you back to your rooms, to ensure your personal safety."
You shot a discreet glance to your brother who returned to you an imperceptible nod. "Thank you, Lord Hornwood. That would be most appreciated."
You slipped your arm in his and began to pace the narrow corridors of Dragonwood back to your rooms.
"Thank you, Lord Hornwood." You say, relief washing over you. The walk to your chambers was awkward, Lord Daryn attempting to make conversation, you quickly shutting him down. You thought it would be obvious to anyone that you wouldn't be in the most talkative mood, yet he persisted. How many times could one man brag about his castle? True, three libraries was enticing, but you didn't really care in light of recent events.
"Of course, Lady y/n, -" The man lifting your hand and planting a slightly wet kiss on the back of it - "I hope to speak with you again."
Roose's insides churned. Fucking Hornwood, he cursed '... to ensure your personal safety...' The audacity to act as if he wasn't the terror of all the maids in Hornwood Castle. No, he would have to do something. A gesture maybe, something to catch your attention. His heartbeat still quickened at the memory of your eyes meeting across the hall. Despite your tears, you looked so beautiful. But what would a woman such as yourself like?
It had been so long since he wooed a woman. His first wife died before they spend more than a moon together, Lady Bethany was easily pleased and never had much opinion on anything, and Fat Walda was just glad to be wed. Roose resolved to find some way to win your affections, no matters how many Lords he had to trample or sabotage to do so.

Game of Thrones one shots / preferences
FanficI love these so much, any requests and let me know! Please do not use any of my works or OC's