Tommen Baratheon X Reader - (Hide And Seek)

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"Come on, y/n." The boy pleaded, his eyes large and dewy.
"Fine, but if mother catches us you're taking the blame." You affirm.

"Yes! Okay, I'll hide and you find me."

You sigh. You shouldn't be playing hide and seek in the Red Keep, especially not when you had just arrived that day, but you couldn't say no to your little brother.
You shut your eyes and counted, giving Prestan enough time to hide.

Beginning to take a slow walk through the keep, you admire the many tapestries and portraits on the walls. Before long, you realise you've lost your bearings. Shrugging, you continue to amble through the long corridors. This one had several giant dragon skulls mounted on the walls, each with a name underneath. Stepping closer, you stand on your toes to read the tiny print, but can't quite make it out.

"That one is called Hellstriker." A strong voice speaks behind you causing you to jump.

"Forgive me, I got lost." You say, blushing slightly and turning to see a tall, proud looking young man with golden blonde hair and pale green eyes.
"It's quite alright, My Lady." The stranger reassures, stepping closer to you and dragon skulls. Gesturing to them, he says "That one there is Mistfang. And the smaller one is Honourwind. They've been here since the Red Keep was built, you know?"

"That's fascinating. I always wonder what it was like to ride a dragon." You say, your gaze fixed on the heads. "I bet it's wonderful."

The man laughs softly, "I often think the same. There's more skulls nearby, perhaps I could show you them?"

You chewed your lip, torn between your curiosity and your manners. "I really shouldn't wander."

"Don't worry, it's fine. Trust me." The young man assures, offering his arm. You smile and take it, talking while he escorts you to the next hallway.

The two of you chat for ages, the handsome man telling you endless tales of the history in Kings Landing. You felt comfortable and at ease with him, like you had with no one else before.

"Oh gods, Prestan!" You exclaim, suddenly remembering your poor brother. Still squashed inside a cupboard or curled up under a bed, no doubt.

"I'm so sorry, but I must go." You say, looking at the man's face. His large green eyes were filled with a sadness but he nodded stoically.
"I hope to see you again." He utters, prompting you to give him a broad smile.

"As do I." You turn to retrace your steps, reaching the end of the hall before you look back at your new friend and call out "What is your name, by the way?"

The man flushes slightly and says "Prince Tommen." Before walking away, leaving you awestruck.

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