Roose Bolton X Ramsay Bolton X Reader - (Lady Viminus)

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TW - Gore

I'd felt it for some time now. That annoying buzzing, like a fly inside my skull. A feeble attempt to summon me, if they wanted me to emerge from my hibernation they'd need to do better. Ignoring the feeling, I retreated from my body and back into the void.

"It's not working, Father." The young lord spat, frustration visible on his face.

"Obviously not." His eyes rolled at his bastard's impatience, "We need something more than just goats and cattle. Power such as this demands a higher price."

"We'll sacrifice one of our men. Cratter will do." Ramsay replied.

Slamming the ancient tome closed, the older lord replied "We will need to wait until the next full moon. It will be stronger then."


Once again, I felt a pulsing vibration in my body's skull. This time however, it was far more intense. This time I hear the chanting and invocation being called to me. It drifts through the planes of existence, guiding me towards its source.

I feel myself enter my body again, it meeting me in the void. The chanting reaches it's peak and I am suddenly pulled through the planes towards an unknown destination.


A cloud of shadow and smoke emerged in the corner of the room, causing the seven red candles to flicker and spit upon their stands. A sudden crack was heard and the candles were snuffed, the only thing visible being a faint glow from the creatures eyes.

She stalked towards the humans, two alive and one dead upon a large 'X', his throat having been slit. She could smell the blood and sweat on the air.

A small movement in the stagnant air ahead of them was felt by the men, and suddenly every sconce and torch in the room ignited.


The two men dropped to their knees, heads bowed in submission at the sight of the creature. She was tall, taller than either of them, humanoid and with skin as red as hot coals, and strangely glowing eyes as dark as the night.

"I see you have offered me this... Sacrifice." She stated, imperiously.

"Lady Viminus. We humbly offer you this man's lifeblood."

"Who is we?" She asked, picking up the bowl of cold, congealing blood and bringing it to her lips. Her gaze never left the kneeling men, and she smirked as the younger one raised his watery blue eyes and caught hers. They quickly flicked back down again.

"We are Lord Roose and Lord Ramsay Bolton, Lady Viminus." The older man stated.

The younger man spoke this time, adding "We have summoned you in order to make a deal with you, we wish to work with you My Lady."

As the men spoke, the woman creature drank the thick liquid and chewed on the clotted jellified lumps of blood that settled in the bottom.
A few minutes passed as she finished her offering, savouring every last mouthful.

Waving her hand, she conjured three large winged chairs. Sitting in the largest of the three, she responded with a smile. "What kind of deal?"

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